Thursday 27 July 2017

Nantwich Show

Wednesday 26th July

Lots of Cheese
We are off to the Nantwich Show today and guess what it was raining when we got up, quite hard as well but the forecast says by mid-morning it should be gone and will be dry and sunny so we shall see!
And More Cheese!

Horse and Carts
We set off through the marina to the main road and the entrance to the show.   The ground underfoot was a bit muddy but not too bad. We had already bought our tickets so we just showed them and went straight in and made our way to the Cheese Tent.  As well as a Country Show, it holds the International Cheese Awards and there is a massive tent with over three thousand cheeses so we had a wander around there looking at all the cheese.

Vintage Cars
We then made our way into the part of the tent where they sell the cheese and you can taste it, there were many stalls selling cheese from all over the world and we tried as many as we could and needless to say bought too much cheese, but never mind it will keep.  They were also giving samples away of cheese and cheese biscuits so we got some of them as well.
James Martin

Suitably cheesed out, we then went outside and the rain had stopped and it brightened up and then the sun came out and it was really lovely for the rest of the day.  The show is huge so we wandered around and watched a few things in the ring including Jason Smyth Stunt Display, Falconry Display and in the afternoon the parade of the tractors, old cars, horse and carts and the Shire Horses.

Wouldn't fit on the tool box now!
Jason doing his stunts
More Stunts
There was lots to see, trade stands and horticultural machinery, people making baskets and weaving and all sorts of other things.  We went in the Crafts Marquee and also the Home Produce Arts and Crafts where they had vegetables, cakes, paintings, etc. which had been judged.  We also watched the Gun Dogs in training in the smaller ring, that was really good.

They also had some cookery demonstrations and James Martin was one of the chef. We stopped to watch him as although we have seen him before he is always very good.

Up he goes!
We walked around the vintage cars and tractors and when I was a little girl, my dad drove a tractor for work and sometimes I would go to the field he was working in and sit on the tool box on the tractor and go up and down the field with him.  I saw a similar tractor at the show and it reminded of that happy memory.

It was a very good show and we spent about 7 hours there wandering about and it was a glorious afternoon and evening so it turned out okay.  We really enjoyed our day there but I was glad to get back to the boat and have a rest in my chair!

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