Friday 14 July 2017

Chester to Chester Zoo Moorings (Shropshire Union Canal)

We are on the moving today and the sun was shining as we set off, although it was rather breezy.
Passing under the Walls
We chugged on along the canal, past King Charles Tower and under Chester walls and then we came to Northgate Staircase locks.  These are three locks and they are very big and deep.
Passing King Charles Tower

Luckily there was a volunteer lock keeper on and he was getting the locks ready for us as we got there.

In the top staircase
I got off and helped him and Kev brought the boat into the top lock and down he went.  

We opened the gates and he went into the middle lock and then we opened the paddle and the water slowly emptied out.  This middle lock is very deep and not a very nice place to be in.  I was glad I was on the side and Kev was in the lock.
In the middle lock

We then opened the gates and he went into the last lock and down we went and down into Chester Basin.
Going down

In the bottom lock
We stopped at the water point to fill up and when that was done, we chugged off along the canal.  We went for a few miles and moored up in a nice open spot which is very near Chester Zoo.

Northgate Locks Sign
When we moored up, a curious looking plane flew over, it was an Airbus Beluga Cargo plane, really strange looking and huge, maybe it was carrying cavier!

Airbus Beluga
We had lunch then went for a walk up onto the road where was there was a couple of caches, but we only found one.  We then took the bridle path which leads to the Zoo.  You can see a few of the animals without actually paying to go in so we went to see the Elephants which were inside and saw a few other animals as well.  It is good as it gives you a taster of the Zoo before you actually pay to go in.

We walked back down to the canal and back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight as tomorrow we are off to the Zoo, so looking forward to that.

Moored at Chester Zoo Moorings

1 comment:

  1. John says he saw that plane flying over and wondered what it was …
