Wednesday 31 July 2019

Bridge 5 to Bridge 1 - Llangollen Canal

Tuesday 30th July

Lovely Night Sky
We were going to stay here for a couple of days but we need to get a part for our sink from a chandlery and the boat yard in Nantwich has the part we need, so we decided to move down to bridge 1 where we can get a bus.

Not So Sunny Today
It was a dry morning as we set off along the canal, under a few bridges then moored up before Bridge 1.  There were quite a few boats moored here but we got a space okay.
Bridges Close Together

We had some rain at lunchtime but then it dried up, so in the afternoon we walked up to Snugburys, the ice cream farm and had a lovely ice cream, I had sea salt caramel and damson and slow gin and Kev had mint Choc chip and ginger and honey and it was all delicious.
Snugburys Ice-cream, Yum Yum!

On the way back to the boat, we bought some eggs from a farm which we pass on our way back.  We have bought them from there before and they are very good.

We are off to Nantwich tomorrow to get the part we need and some shopping, then on Thursday we will move down the locks and back onto the Shropshire Union canal.

Moored at Bridge 1

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