Monday 29 July 2019

Bridge 12 to Bridge 5 - Llangollen Canal

Sunday 28th and Monday 29th July

Sunday – What a wash out, it rained all day and most of the night without stopping, so needless to say we didn’t move neither did we go out, confined to barracks.
Going under Bridge 12

Lovely Sunny Morning
Monday – We were glad to see the sun when we got up and it turned out to be a glorious sunny hot day, but not set to last as rain and thunder storms are forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday, so we had better make the most of today.

Coming to Swanley No. 1 Lo0ck
We decided to move a couple of miles so we set off from our mooring in lovely warm sunshine.

In Swanley No. 1 Lock
We went under a few bridges then came to Swanley No. 1 lock.  It was empty so I filled it up, opened the gates and Kev came in.  A boat came behind us, so the lad on that boat came and helped with the gates.  There was two small cruisers coming up, so we went out and left the gates open for them.

Leaving the Lock
We chugged on and was soon approaching Swanley No. 2 lock.  There was a boat coming up so when they came out, we went in.  There was about four boats waiting to come up.  Two chaps off one of the boats was at the lock but in a world of their own I think as one of them went over and opened the off side gate paddle but then came back, so I said to him you need to be over there to open the gate to let Kev out, he said he would but didn’t like leaving his mate with a strange woman, he was trying to be funny so I said well there is no one stranger than me!  

One out, one in
Coming out Swanley Lock No. 2
A lady from one of the other boats then came up and crossed the lock to do the gate. She started to open the gate and the chap started to cross the gate, I said to him come back the gates are opening, I could see an accident happening, he then came back to my side, he seemed oblivious to what was going on.  The lady helping with the lock said to him go back to your boat and get ready to come in when this boat comes out there is a queue waiting to come up you know!  He said oh yes I will and trundled off down the towpath to his boat, some people are very strange!

Moored at Swanley Marina
We came out of the lock and left them all behind us and stopped at Swanley marina.  It is a very friendly place and they sell bread, milk and locally made pies so we bought one.  We also filled up with water and used the Elsan then went on our way.

We went under two bridges then moored up in a lovely sunny open spot that we saw on our way up the canal a few weeks ago.  In the afternoon I did some tidying up and some work and Kev did some cutting out of a few more things to add to his stock.

We are staying here now for a couple of days as the forecast is not good and hopefully when we move on it will be dry.

Moored at Bridge 5

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