Sunday 14 July 2019

Ellesmere to Prees Branch, Whixall Moss - Llangollen Canal

Sculpture on the canal

Saturday 13th July

Passing NB Ziggy & Jim
Coming back to the junction
The sun was shining when we got up.  We went for a circular walk up through the town and back along the towpath.  Jim and June on NB Ziggy were also moored in the arm.  They were down on the Montgomery when we were there and they were the boat behind us that got stuck below the locks. 
Coming to a bridge
Ellesmere Tunnel

They were outside their boat when we walked by so we had a nice chat, they are staying here a couple more days but going the same way as us so I am sure our paths will cross again.

Nearly Through
We got back to the boat and it was time to go, so we untied and went back down the arm and back onto the main canal.

Passing Blake Mere
Another Fine Bridge
This section is quite winky wonky so we chugged on under a few bridges, through Ellesmere Tunnel which is only 87 yds and past Blake Mere and Cole Mere and after a few miles we were back at Whixall.

Coming to the Prees Branch
This time we ventured down the Prees Branch which leads to Whixall marina. We went through one lift bridge and then moored in the visitor moorings before the next lift bridge.

Going through the lift bridge
Horse with eight legs!
In the afternoon we went for a walk to the marina and had a coffee sat outside.  We then walked back to the boat and chilled out.  There was some horses in the field opposite where we are moored and two were standing so close together, you could only see one head and it looked like it has eight legs!
Red Night Sky

Moon Lit Night
We are staying here tonight and tomorrow morning we are meeting Sheila, Tony, Jane and possibly Malcolm at the marina for breakfast so looking forward to seeing them again and the breakfast was very good last time so let’s hope it is this time.

Moored on Prees Branch, Whixall Moss

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