Wednesday 31 July 2019

Bridge 5 to Bridge 1 - Llangollen Canal

Tuesday 30th July

Lovely Night Sky
We were going to stay here for a couple of days but we need to get a part for our sink from a chandlery and the boat yard in Nantwich has the part we need, so we decided to move down to bridge 1 where we can get a bus.

Not So Sunny Today
It was a dry morning as we set off along the canal, under a few bridges then moored up before Bridge 1.  There were quite a few boats moored here but we got a space okay.
Bridges Close Together

We had some rain at lunchtime but then it dried up, so in the afternoon we walked up to Snugburys, the ice cream farm and had a lovely ice cream, I had sea salt caramel and damson and slow gin and Kev had mint Choc chip and ginger and honey and it was all delicious.
Snugburys Ice-cream, Yum Yum!

On the way back to the boat, we bought some eggs from a farm which we pass on our way back.  We have bought them from there before and they are very good.

We are off to Nantwich tomorrow to get the part we need and some shopping, then on Thursday we will move down the locks and back onto the Shropshire Union canal.

Moored at Bridge 1

Monday 29 July 2019

Bridge 12 to Bridge 5 - Llangollen Canal

Sunday 28th and Monday 29th July

Sunday – What a wash out, it rained all day and most of the night without stopping, so needless to say we didn’t move neither did we go out, confined to barracks.
Going under Bridge 12

Lovely Sunny Morning
Monday – We were glad to see the sun when we got up and it turned out to be a glorious sunny hot day, but not set to last as rain and thunder storms are forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday, so we had better make the most of today.

Coming to Swanley No. 1 Lo0ck
We decided to move a couple of miles so we set off from our mooring in lovely warm sunshine.

In Swanley No. 1 Lock
We went under a few bridges then came to Swanley No. 1 lock.  It was empty so I filled it up, opened the gates and Kev came in.  A boat came behind us, so the lad on that boat came and helped with the gates.  There was two small cruisers coming up, so we went out and left the gates open for them.

Leaving the Lock
We chugged on and was soon approaching Swanley No. 2 lock.  There was a boat coming up so when they came out, we went in.  There was about four boats waiting to come up.  Two chaps off one of the boats was at the lock but in a world of their own I think as one of them went over and opened the off side gate paddle but then came back, so I said to him you need to be over there to open the gate to let Kev out, he said he would but didn’t like leaving his mate with a strange woman, he was trying to be funny so I said well there is no one stranger than me!  

One out, one in
Coming out Swanley Lock No. 2
A lady from one of the other boats then came up and crossed the lock to do the gate. She started to open the gate and the chap started to cross the gate, I said to him come back the gates are opening, I could see an accident happening, he then came back to my side, he seemed oblivious to what was going on.  The lady helping with the lock said to him go back to your boat and get ready to come in when this boat comes out there is a queue waiting to come up you know!  He said oh yes I will and trundled off down the towpath to his boat, some people are very strange!

Moored at Swanley Marina
We came out of the lock and left them all behind us and stopped at Swanley marina.  It is a very friendly place and they sell bread, milk and locally made pies so we bought one.  We also filled up with water and used the Elsan then went on our way.

We went under two bridges then moored up in a lovely sunny open spot that we saw on our way up the canal a few weeks ago.  In the afternoon I did some tidying up and some work and Kev did some cutting out of a few more things to add to his stock.

We are staying here now for a couple of days as the forecast is not good and hopefully when we move on it will be dry.

Moored at Bridge 5

Sunday 28 July 2019

Wrenbury to Bridge 12 - Llangollen Canal

Friday 26th to Saturday 27th July

Friday – We stayed put today and just did a few jobs and went for a walk up to the local shop.  In the evening, we went for tea at the Dusty Miller pub.  The food was really good, it’s a very nice friendly pub.
Going through the lift bridge

Saturday – We want to move on today but it was raining all morning so we stayed put.  It got brighter and by about 4pm it had almost stopped raining so we decided to move on.

Passing moored boats at Wrenbury
Through the next lift bridge
Going under a foot bridge
There was a lift bridge just up from where we were moored, so I left Kev to untie and I walked up to the bridge to open it.  This bridge is electric, so I put my key in, shut the barrier and opened the bridge.  Kev came through and there was a boat coming the other way so I let them through as well before closing the bridge.  This is not a busy road but we did hold up several cars, ooh the power we have!!

Coming to the top of the locks
We chugged on around the corner where there is another lift bridge but this one is manual, you have to wind it up.  A hire boat came out of the moorings as I opened the bridge so we let them through then Kev followed behind and then I shut the bridge.

Baddiley No. 1 Lock
Baddiley No. 2 Lock
Coming out of Lock No. 2
We went on for about a mile and it did start to rain again but not too much and then we were approaching Baddiley locks.  The hire boat in front of us with three lads on board were just going through so Kev and I shut the gates for them, filled the lock for us and soon we were on our way to the next one.  We didn’t have to shut the gates as a boat was coming the other way.

Weedy By-Wash
By the time we got to the second one, the rain had stopped and the hire boat was just going out the lock and they opened the paddles to fill the lock for us before they went on their way, that was kind of them and a help as by the time I had got off the boat the lock was almost ready for us.  There was quite a bit if weed in the lock which Kev hauled out so it wouldn’t go round our prop.  

Baddiley Lock No. 3
There was also a lot of weed at the bottom of the lock where the by-wash comes out, probably to do with all the hot weather making it grow.

We had one more lock to do and when we got there, the lads had gone through but opened the paddles again for us.  We were soon at the bottom of the lock and we chugged under the next bridge No. 13 and moored up before Bridge 12.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as the forecast is for rain all day, then hopefully Monday will be a dry day and we will move on.
Moored at Bridge 12

Friday 26 July 2019

Willeymoor to Wrenbury - Llangollen Canal

Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 25th July

Lovely Hot Sunny Morning
Willeymoor Lock
I am off back to Weston today as my mum is in hospital and as there is a train station at Wrenbury, I have decided to go back and see her.  Wrenbury was a few miles and 3 locks from where we were moored so we set off early to get there as early as possible so I could get a train back as it is a request stop station so not that many trains each day.

Quoisley Lock
Willeymoor lock was just a long from our mooring so I walked ahead to get the lock ready.  We were soon through there and on to the next lock.

We got to Quoisley lock and I worked the lock and down we went.  It was a lovely sunny morning and although it was just after 8am, it was already quite hot, glad we were going early as any later I think it would be hard going doing locks in extreme heat.

After a mile or so, we came to Marbury lock, down the lock we went and on along the canal.

Marbury Lock
We came to a lift bridge but this one is kept open so we went straight through.  Around the corner and we were at Wrenbury and we moored up in the moorings before the next lift bridge.

Another Bridge
I got myself ready and then Kev and I walked up to the station.  This is a request stop so you have to stick your hand out to stop the train, I find it great fun to do.  Kev got the train with me but hop off at Nantwich to do shopping and I went onto Crewe, then Stafford, Bristol then Weston Super Mare.  I am pleased to say my mum is okay and getting better each day.  Kev stayed moored at Wrenbury and I came back Thursday afternoon.

Flowers from Rhiannon
Kev's Bouquet!
Thursday – It is my 60th Birthday today so when I got back from my travels, I opened my cards and presents.  I had lots of lovely gifts including jewellery, chocolates, a purse, a clock, flowers, afternoon tea voucher, gin and a lovely big gin glass and a lovely bridge camera from Kev, something I have wanted for some time. Kev also gave me a lovely bouquet of flowers and they will last a long time, they are great!  Kev says we can get them out every birthday and just change the number!!

In the evening, our Audlem family, Jane, Malcolm, Dave, Anthea, Sheila and Tony came over and we went to the local pub, The Cotton Arms for a meal.  We had a great night, lovely food, lots of laughs and great company, just perfect for a special birthday and they even got me a cake with a picture of a narrow boat on, a truly lovely evening.  I had a great birthday so thanks for all the good wishes, cards and presents, now looking forward to my 70th!!
Celebrating in the Pub
My beautiful cake

We are staying here in Wrenbury one more night then Saturday we are heading on a bit further getting ever closer to the junction of his wonderful canal with the Shropshire Union canal.

Moored at Wrenbury

Grindley Brook to Willeymoor - Llangollen Canal

Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd July

Sunday – We chilled out in the morning and late afternoon we walked down to the pub, The Horse and Jockey to meet Rhiannon.  It was lovely to see her and catch up.  We had a drink sat outside then we went inside where we had a table booked and had a really nice meal.  We then walked up the road to the boat and had a gin or two!
Rhiannon at the boat

Friends Together
At the top of the staircase
Monday – It was a lovely sunny morning when we got up, we had breakfast then headed off to the water point.  We are going down the Grindley Brook locks today and Rhiannon is going to come with us as she hasn’t done locks before and so it will be nice.  The six locks only cover about half a mile, it is a staircase of three, then three single ones so we will moor at the bottom and can easily walk to her car.

I went and spoke to the lock keeper and he said a boat was coming up and once he was out, it would be our turn.

Nearly down
The boat came out of the lock and Kev and Rhiannon brought the boat in.  The lock keeper helped me operate the lock and soon they were in the middle lock then the bottom lock and out of the staircase and onto the three single ones.

Going down the staircase
Working down the locks
Rhiannon got off the boat and she did one side and I did the other.  They are not very deep locks and there was a boat coming up so the locks were set for us.  We were soon through the three locks and Kev chugged under the railway bridge and moored up just after.

Rhiannon hard at work
Another nice day
We had a nice cold drink and then it was time for Rhiannon to leave so we walked up to the pub where she had left her car and said our goodbyes.  It was great seeing her and having her to stay and having a good catch up and hopefully she will come and stay again and I will definitely see her when I next go back to Bristol.

We then went in the garage shop for some bread, then walked up the locks to the cafe and had a coffee and an ice cream sat by the locks and watched a couple of boats go through.  We then walked back to the boat.
Jess on the towpath

We decided to move on about a mile and one lock to Willeymoor where there is a pub which we didn’t try on the way down so thought we would try on the way back.

Povey's Lock
We set off along the canal and passed Paul and Jess who were moored up.  We chugged on and soon came to Povey's lock.  I got off and had to fill the lock and then Kev brought the boat in, I opened the paddles and down we went. 

Once through there, we chugged on around the bend and moored up just before the pub and the next lock.

It is really hot today so quite nice to get moored up and sit inside where it was quite cool.

We are staying here tonight then moving on a bit further tomorrow.

Moored at Willeymoor