Sunday 1 July 2018

Visit to Hartshill Hayes Country Park - Coventry Canal

Sunday 1st July

Having a rest in the woods
Path up through the woods
It was already very warm when we got up this morning.  We had breakfast then set out for a walk.  There is Hartshill Hayes Country Park not far away so we set off along the towpath to the bridge and up onto the footpath which took us to the village, we then went down some steep steps into the woods and walked up through there which went down hill then up and up and then came to the visitor centre.

Path up to Visitor Centre
The park is an ancient woodland and covers 137 acres of woodland and open hilltop.

Visitor Centre & Tea Kiosk
Fantastic Views
There is a little kiosk there selling drinks, ice-creams and a map of the park showing the various walks.  We had some refreshments then set out on one of the walks, we were quite high up and the views were spectacular.  A lot of the walk was in the woods so we were in the shade of the trees.  On the map it said there was an ice house but unfortunately we didn't see it.

Info Board in Park
Castle Ruins
We followed another path through the woods which took us past the ruins of Hartshill Castle.  There isn't much left just some of the outside walls.  The path then went up some steps and we were back in the village.

Old Castle Walls
We came to the one-stop shop and then the Stag and Pheasant Inn, we walked on down the road and back to the canal.  This was quite a busy road and for the last bit about half a mile there was no pavement, but it wasn't too bad and we were soon back on the safety of the towpath.  It was a really nice walk and we got back before it got too hot.

We will just chill out here for the rest of the day as it is very humid today, too hot to do anything.  We are staying at this mooring for the next two days as well then off again on Wednesday.

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