Sunday 1 July 2018

Atherstone to Hartshill - Coventry Canal

Saturday 30th June

Coming into Lock 5

We are on the move today and we have five locks to go up, so we got up early so we could leave before it got too hot.  We set off just after 8.30am to the first lock, we got through there okay and stopped at the water point at the top of this lock.  There wasn't much pressure in the tap so it took a while to fill the tank, then we were off up the next four locks.  There were volunteers on so that helped and a couple of boats were coming down.

Into Lock 4
Leaving Lock 3 Behind
We got to the top lock and the volunteer helped us through the lock.  We needed to use the elsan and as there wasn't any boats coming down, we left the boat in the lock and used the elsan then went on our way.

In Lock 2
Spot the Heron, is it a real one!
We chugged past the old felt hat factory which has seen better days and on along the canal for a couple of miles, we were approaching the bridge near where we were planning to moor and saw a familiar figure on the bridge, it was John and Sharon and Smugs were the other side of the bridge.  They had moored up for a break and were off on a walk up to the village of Hartshill.

Leaving Atherstone Top Lock
Passing the old Felt Hat Factory
Is it Chad, No it's John!
Hello Sharon & Smugs
We moored up near them and had our lunch.  John and Sharon got back from their walk and went to have their lunch.  In the afternoon, we had a visitor, Smugs who turned up on his own, came in had a drink and some biscuits then flopped down on the floor for a rest, I think, as our floor is wood and below the water level, it was cool for him.  After his rest, he went back to his own boat.

Mid afternoon John and Sharon decided to move on a few miles so we said our goodbyes again, although we probably won't see them again for a while as they are heading straight down and we are turning off onto the Ashby canal.  It has been great to meet up a few times and spend time together but now time to go our separate ways and look forward to meeting up again sometime.  We waved them goodbye and off they went into the distance.
Hartshill Yard

Another BBQ
We went for a walk late afternoon just along the canal to Hartshill Yard, part of the yard contains a 19th-C carpenters workshop and blacksmiths shop and a clock tower but it is now very over grown and obviously derelict which is a shame as when we passed a few years ago, it was an attractive and well kept place.  There was a boat advertising free range eggs for sale, so we went over the bridge to see but there was no one around.

We had another BBQ for tea and very nice it was too.

We are staying here for a few days, it is a nice spot, very sunny, good for the solar panels, not so good for us, but you can't have it all ways!

Moored at Hartshill

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