Thursday 26 July 2018

A Couple of Days in Snarestone

Tuesday 24th July

Our friends Geoff, Sue and Roxy are coming to see us today and texted to say they would be arriving around mid-day so we walked up to the pub for that time and just as we arrived in the car park, they drove in,good timing or what!
My Ploughmans Lunch

Having Lunch with our Friends
We found a table in the garden and spent the next couple of hours having lunch which was very good and catching up, it was/so nice to see them again as we haven't seen them since last year.

Another Lovely Sunset
After lunch, they came back to the boat for a cup of tea and homemade Barrabrith.  We then walked them back to their car and waved them off.  We had a lovely day with them, so great to see them and I am sure we will catch up again sometime.

We then just chilled out for the rest of the day.

Wednesday 25th July

Today it is my birthday and we are off to Atherstone on the bus, a nearby village. 

My Birthday Breakfast
We walked up to the road to get the bus, it came along and after a short bus ride, we were in Atherstone.

Scuplture in the Church
First we found a nice cafe called The Old Bakery and went in and had breakfast and very nice it as too. 

Next we headed to the church as when we were here by boat, we didn't get a chance to visit.  It was open so we went in to have a look around.  There was a holy communion service going on in one of the side rooms so we walked quietly around.
Origins of the Church

Atherstone Church
It is a lovely church and there is plenty to see.  There is a huge bell at the back of the church and it was the original friary bell, there is also a sculpture in the church.  We would have liked to have had a better look around but didn’t want to disturb the service.  We will have another look around when we come back down in a few weeks time.

We then had a look around the shops and got a few supplies then went to the bus station to get the bus back to Snarestone and the boat.
Friary Bell
Info about the Bell

In the afternoon we didn't do much, but in the evening we headed up to the Globe pub as the Leicester Morris Men were performing at 7.45pm.  We got a table outside and got a drink and some menus, I had Warner Edwards Rhubarb gin which is lovely and it was served in a big glass which makes all the difference.  We then ordered a sharing platter and some chips.

Our food soon came and very nice it was too.  The Morris men then turned up, there was 10 of them.  They performed about 7 or 8 dances and they were really good.
Off they Go

Doing Another Dance
Leicester Morris Men
One of my Birthday Presents
At one point, they asked for volunteers so I put myself forward together with another lady and a man.  We did a dance with sticks and we each had a partner.  The dance started off slow and you had to bash sticks then weave in and out the others to the end, turn around come back past your partner and nod to him, then down to the other end around and back to your partner to bash sticks and do the whole thing again and it got faster and faster, I may have gone the wrong side once or twice but I never forgot to nod to my partner as I passed him.  It was great fun, but takes a lot of energy, I was puffing by the end, these Morris dancers must be very fit.

The Morris men were different ages and there was an old chap that did most of the dances, he was very impressive, good on him we say.
Clanking Sticks!
They gave a really good performance and it was great fun.  They entertained us for a good half hour or more and then were off to another pub nearby The Rising Sun at Shackerstone to do another performance.
Morris Dancing!

We had another drink then walked back to the boat.  I had a lovely birthday and dancing with the Morris Men finished it off perfectly.

We are staying put again tomorrow as Kev has to go to the dentist, as he broke his tooth on some flapjack I made!  It wasn't because it was too hard, it was because it was still warm and sticky.  We will then move to the end of the canal on Friday weather permitting as thunder storms are forecast and we are not moving in that! If rain and thunder arrives then we will stay put and go on Saturday.

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