Monday 23 July 2018

Congerstone to Snarestone - Ashby Canal

Round the bend we go!
Approaching the Aqueduct
We are on the move today and it was already very warm when we set off mid morning. We are going four miles today, long way for us.  We went under a couple of bridges and soon came to Shackerstone where we walked to yesterday. 

We chugged on along the canal then came to a delightful wooded section, the shade was very welcome and the reflection of the trees and sky in the water was lovely.

Passing through Shackerstone
Lovely Wooded Section
We went on along the canal, this stretch seems very quiet now and peaceful, not that the canal has been over busy but we don't think that many boats do the last few miles to the end of the canal, it just has that feel to it which is good for us, means plenty of mooring spaces for us!

Great Reflections
We moored up just before Snarestone tunnel.  You go through the tunnel, all 250 yards of it and under a couple of bridges to the end of the canal, but we will save that excitement for another day.

Shop at the End of the Canal
In the afternoon we walked up over the tunnel as there is no footpath through it and back onto the towpath and walked to the end.

There is a small hut at the end selling second- hand China and books and also gifts and post cards, locally made ice-cream and drinks.  We had a look around then got an ice-cream and sat by the canal.
There is a swing bridge at the end and since we were last here they have made another 350 yards of the canal and there are visitors moorings in the new bit.  There is also picnic tables and BBQs for anyone to use.  It's a very nice area.
Swing Bridge at the End

The Three Ps Moored at the End
Pat, Patrick and Poochie were moored at the end so we stopped off to say hello and have a cup of tea and homemade cake.  I think we will see them one more time either here if they haven't moved when we come down on Wednesday or tomorrow if they come back through the tunnel and go past us, it has been really good seeing them again.

We walked back along the towpath and back up on the road.  There is a pub just here called The Globe so we went in for a drink and to have a rekkie as tomorrow our friends Geoff, Sue and Roxie who live in Ely are on holiday in Corby which is about an hour from here so they are driving over to see us tomorrow and we are going to have lunch in the pub, we are really looking forward to seeing them.

We then walked back to the boat.  We are staying here tonight and tomorrow, then off to the end of the canal on Wednesday.

Moored at Snarestone

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