Monday 16 July 2018

Stoke Golding (near Bridge 27) to Sutton Wharf - Ashby Canal

Lovely Evening Sky
Sun Setting

Yesterday (Sunday) we stayed put, so in the morning Kev painted the inside of the boat at the back and was going to put a coat on the back doors but the steel got too hot so in the afternoon we all took our chairs and sat in the shade under a big tree and spent a few hours watching the world go by and putting the world to rights.

Early evening we had some snacks and some cider and then retired to our respective boats.
It was a nice relaxing day and really too hot to do much.  There was a lovely sunset again and I managed to get a few photos.

Off we Go
Bath Piece Moorings
Under another Bridge
Where we Walked on Saturday
 We are on the move today just a couple of miles to Sutton Cheney  Patrick led the way and we both set off along the canal and soon came to Bridge 27 where we walked up to Stoke Golding on Saturday.  We then came to some moorings on the off side.  They are locally known as Bath Piece moorings, dating only from the  1970s.  Locals assume the name has something to do with the road which is lower than the canal and used to flood regularly.

Under the Trees we go
We went on along the canal following Patrick and under a few bridges. After Bridge 33 we came to some nice moorings so Patrick pulled in and we went to go behind but there was a wasps nest there so we both decided to go on, we went abit further and Patrick pulled in and so did we, we got into the side okay but Patrick had trouble getting in, so Kev and I walked up to Bridge 34 where Sutton Wharf is and there was some moorings there, so we walked back to the boat and we both chugged up to there.

Sutton Wharf
St James Church
There is a cafe at the wharf and Patrick moored outside there, and we went past the water point and moored on the pontoon.  

We had lunch then walked up to the cafe and met Pat, Patrick and Poochie and we sat outside the cafe and had tea and cake.

Inside the Church
Having an Afternoon Cuppa
Then Kev, Patrick and I walked up the road about half a mile to the small village of Sutton Cheney to visit the old early 13th Century church, St. James.  Legend has it that Richard III may have passed the church on their way to the Battle of Bosworth on 22nd August 1485.  
Old Headstone

Cow on the Road
Legend also suggests that Richard may have heard mass in the church prior to the battle.

The church was open so we went in and had a wander around, it was really lovely.

We then walked back down the road back to the Wharf and passed a cow in the hedgerow, not a real one! 
The Three P's Moored at Sutton Wharf

Not sure why it was there but there was a concealed entrance just past it so maybe it was marking that.  When we got back, Pat had made a cup of tea so we sat in the front of their boat to have it.

We then wandered back to our boat. Pat and Patrick are chugging on tomorrow morning, we are staying put as we want to visit the Battle of Bosworth visitor centre but they are not going far so we will catch up with them in a day or so.

Moored at Sutton Wharf

1 comment:

  1. We visited Fotheringhay last week, where Richard III was born and the church where he was christened — so we're opposite ends of Richard's life!
