Tuesday 31 July 2018

A Few Days Moored at the Terminus of the Ashby Canal

Saturday 28th July

Cheese Sale
We had a bit of rain early morning but it was sunny when we got up, very blustery though and lots of cloud around.

Alpaca Farm
Pgymy Goats
We are off to find the Pumpkin farm this morning as they have a cheese sale. We walked back up to the park, across there and out onto the road and a short walk along there brought us to the farm and the cheese sale which they hold once a month.

Cute Donkeys
The cheese is sold by John and Hannah Ltd. Their award cheese is sourced from Joseph Heler, Laurels Farm, Cheshire where it is traditionally handmade on open tables.  Part of the milk used to make the cheese is sourced from Hannah's family dairy farm in Stanton, Burton upon Trent.  

Lazing in the Sun!
Currently both John and Hannah are at university studying Agri-Business and Veterinary Medicine and running their enterprise to help financially support themselves so that they are not relying on student loans and also to promote British produce.  John's parents own the Pumpkin farm which his dad also called John run and before that his grandfather ran the farm also called John.  The lady who runs the Alpaca Farm told us they are known in the village as Big John, Little John and Baby John!

You could try the cheese first, so obviously we did and then we bought some as it was really nice.
We then walked back up the road and carried on through the village to the Alpaca farm.

Wool Shop
There is a cafe which is a timber building and lovely inside, there is also a wool shop.  We had a drink and a sandwich in the cafe. They also have a small holding with donkeys, Angola and pygmy goats, chickens, a pig and obviously Alpacas.  They have made several paths so you can see all the animals, we had a wander around and met all the animals, they make a small charge but it was well worth it.

The lady who runs the farm was really friendly and we had a nice chat, she told us they have only been going for 8 months which seemed to us amazing as the cafe was really busy and lots of people walking around, they have obviously made a good name for themselves in a short period of time.  They also have lots of plans for the future so hope it keeps growing for them.
Alice having a mud bath!

We went back into the cafe for tea and scones, then walked back down the road and back to the boat doing a few caches on the way.

In the afternoon we had some rain, but just showers really not constant rain.  We were going to have a BBQ tonight but rain and wind has stopped play so we will save that for another day.

Sunday 29th July

Mile Marker at Terminus
Walking the old canal bed
We are staying put today and just as well as it was blowing a hoolie and raining.  That went on for most of the day, but it did brighten up for a bit, so we went out for a walk.

Present End of the Ashby Canal
We walked along to the very end of the canal where we reversed to the other day, then walked up the dry bed of the canal, it was a bit sticky underfoot as it is clay but good to do.  We got back to the boat and it rained quite hard at times.

We just chilled out for the rest of the day.  Tomorrow we are off on the bus to Ashley de la Zouch but we have to walk to Measham first to get the bus so we have to be up early in the morning.

Monday 30th June

Ashby de la Zouch
We got up early and set off along the towpath to the end of the canal and then walked on the footpath through the field and out onto the road and after a bit of a walk we were in Measham.  We were a bit early for the bus so we went in the cafe and had a drink.  Then it was time to get the bus, so we walked to the bus stop and the bus soon came along.

Alleyway in Ashby
Castle Ruins
After about a 20 minute bus ride, we were in Ashby. It is a really nice town, plenty of shops, cafes and pubs and an indoor market.  There are several alleyways which lead to courtyards with shops and cafes, really pretty.

St. Helen's
There is Castle ruins in Ashby so we walked up to find it.  Unfortunately it was closed but we could see it from the path.  There is a nice church near the Castle, St. Helen's.  It was constructed in around 1474, but in 1878-80 was widened, creating two side aisles and giving it the square shape it has today.

The church was open, so we went in for a look, it was very nice inside and big, lots of pews.
We then walked back to the shops and had a good wander around.  We found a cafe in one of the courtyards for lunch and very nice it was too, we both had a ploughman’s followed by a freshly made scone with jam and cream.

Ploughmans Lunch
After lunch, we had another wander around and went in one of the pubs for a drink, it looked just like  a Wetherspoons but the bar maid said it wasn't and when we paid for the drinks, we knew it wasn't!!

Where the Candle Maker used to be!
We found a nice Butchers and Bakers and a plaque on one of the buildings saying where the Candle Makers used to be!

It was then time to get the bus back to Measham.  We had a half hour wait for the bus back to Snarestone.  Then a short walk along the canal and we were back at the boat.  It was a good day out to Ashby de la Zouch, a very nice small town.

We care staying here again tonight and also tomorrow then setting off back down the canal on Wednesday.

Friday 27 July 2018

Snarestone to The Terminus of the Ashby Canal

Yesterday (Thursday) we stayed put and just went for a walk in the morning and in the afternoon Kev went off to Measham to get his tooth sorted, his tooth is now okay and his pockets are a lot lighter!  Kev actually got a lift to Measham from a chap who lives opposite the pub.  

Snarestone Tunnel
We met him in the morning when he was walking his dog and while Kev was waiting for the bus, he came out of his house to go to the pub to see the landlord and got chatting again and when Kev said he was waiting for the bus to Measham to go to the dentist, he said I'll take you, it's only 10 minutes away, so he did, how kind was that.
In We Go!

Nearly Out
Almost at the /Terminus
We are off to the end of the Ashby today, the canal used to be 30 miles long but now you can only navigate 22 miles.  When we were last here, the navigation was just under 22 miles but since then they have done another 400 metres which is through a swing bridge and if we do it, we will have to reverse to the end as there is only room for small boats to turn there.

We set off from our mooring and soon came to Snarestone Tunnel which is 250 yards long and has a kink in the middle.  Into the tunnel we went and soon we were emerging into the bright sunlight.

Passing Through the Swing Bridge
Concentrating Hard
We went under two bridges and then we were at the Terminus.  We turned around in the winding hole and reversed back to the water point to fill up.

Nearly at the End
The chap who runs the Ashby Canal Association hut is a very friendly chap and we said we wanted to go through the swing bridge and reverse to the end of the present navigation, he said that was fine and he would do the bridge for us.
Moored at the End

He opened the bridge and Kev reversed through and along we went on the new stretch to the very end, backwards.  It was fun to do.

We stopped at the end, you can see where the canal used to be and hopefully will be again one day and then we chugged back.

Where the old Canal used to be
We passed the old pumping station which is now privately owned and moored up just before the swing bridge.

The End!
We stopped at the end, you can see where the canal used to be and hopefully will be again one day and then we chugged back.

We passed the old pumping station which is now privately owned and moored up just before the swing bridge.

The Old Engine House
The Terminus of the Ashby Canal
In the afternoon we went across to the little hut and got an ice-cream and sat for a while on one of the benches there in the shade, we then walked back up to the tunnel and out onto the road as we wanted to see if there was a pavement as there is a farm just up the road having a cheese sale tomorrow and we want to walk there. There was a path so that's good.

We walked back to the boat and just chilled out.  It has been even hotter today, rain and thunder storms were forecast, but no sign of either of them!

We are going to stay here now until Monday.

Moored at the Terminus

Thursday 26 July 2018

A Couple of Days in Snarestone

Tuesday 24th July

Our friends Geoff, Sue and Roxy are coming to see us today and texted to say they would be arriving around mid-day so we walked up to the pub for that time and just as we arrived in the car park, they drove in,good timing or what!
My Ploughmans Lunch

Having Lunch with our Friends
We found a table in the garden and spent the next couple of hours having lunch which was very good and catching up, it was/so nice to see them again as we haven't seen them since last year.

Another Lovely Sunset
After lunch, they came back to the boat for a cup of tea and homemade Barrabrith.  We then walked them back to their car and waved them off.  We had a lovely day with them, so great to see them and I am sure we will catch up again sometime.

We then just chilled out for the rest of the day.

Wednesday 25th July

Today it is my birthday and we are off to Atherstone on the bus, a nearby village. 

My Birthday Breakfast
We walked up to the road to get the bus, it came along and after a short bus ride, we were in Atherstone.

Scuplture in the Church
First we found a nice cafe called The Old Bakery and went in and had breakfast and very nice it as too. 

Next we headed to the church as when we were here by boat, we didn't get a chance to visit.  It was open so we went in to have a look around.  There was a holy communion service going on in one of the side rooms so we walked quietly around.
Origins of the Church

Atherstone Church
It is a lovely church and there is plenty to see.  There is a huge bell at the back of the church and it was the original friary bell, there is also a sculpture in the church.  We would have liked to have had a better look around but didn’t want to disturb the service.  We will have another look around when we come back down in a few weeks time.

We then had a look around the shops and got a few supplies then went to the bus station to get the bus back to Snarestone and the boat.
Friary Bell
Info about the Bell

In the afternoon we didn't do much, but in the evening we headed up to the Globe pub as the Leicester Morris Men were performing at 7.45pm.  We got a table outside and got a drink and some menus, I had Warner Edwards Rhubarb gin which is lovely and it was served in a big glass which makes all the difference.  We then ordered a sharing platter and some chips.

Our food soon came and very nice it was too.  The Morris men then turned up, there was 10 of them.  They performed about 7 or 8 dances and they were really good.
Off they Go

Doing Another Dance
Leicester Morris Men
One of my Birthday Presents
At one point, they asked for volunteers so I put myself forward together with another lady and a man.  We did a dance with sticks and we each had a partner.  The dance started off slow and you had to bash sticks then weave in and out the others to the end, turn around come back past your partner and nod to him, then down to the other end around and back to your partner to bash sticks and do the whole thing again and it got faster and faster, I may have gone the wrong side once or twice but I never forgot to nod to my partner as I passed him.  It was great fun, but takes a lot of energy, I was puffing by the end, these Morris dancers must be very fit.

The Morris men were different ages and there was an old chap that did most of the dances, he was very impressive, good on him we say.
Clanking Sticks!
They gave a really good performance and it was great fun.  They entertained us for a good half hour or more and then were off to another pub nearby The Rising Sun at Shackerstone to do another performance.
Morris Dancing!

We had another drink then walked back to the boat.  I had a lovely birthday and dancing with the Morris Men finished it off perfectly.

We are staying put again tomorrow as Kev has to go to the dentist, as he broke his tooth on some flapjack I made!  It wasn't because it was too hard, it was because it was still warm and sticky.  We will then move to the end of the canal on Friday weather permitting as thunder storms are forecast and we are not moving in that! If rain and thunder arrives then we will stay put and go on Saturday.

Monday 23 July 2018

Congerstone to Snarestone - Ashby Canal

Round the bend we go!
Approaching the Aqueduct
We are on the move today and it was already very warm when we set off mid morning. We are going four miles today, long way for us.  We went under a couple of bridges and soon came to Shackerstone where we walked to yesterday. 

We chugged on along the canal then came to a delightful wooded section, the shade was very welcome and the reflection of the trees and sky in the water was lovely.

Passing through Shackerstone
Lovely Wooded Section
We went on along the canal, this stretch seems very quiet now and peaceful, not that the canal has been over busy but we don't think that many boats do the last few miles to the end of the canal, it just has that feel to it which is good for us, means plenty of mooring spaces for us!

Great Reflections
We moored up just before Snarestone tunnel.  You go through the tunnel, all 250 yards of it and under a couple of bridges to the end of the canal, but we will save that excitement for another day.

Shop at the End of the Canal
In the afternoon we walked up over the tunnel as there is no footpath through it and back onto the towpath and walked to the end.

There is a small hut at the end selling second- hand China and books and also gifts and post cards, locally made ice-cream and drinks.  We had a look around then got an ice-cream and sat by the canal.
There is a swing bridge at the end and since we were last here they have made another 350 yards of the canal and there are visitors moorings in the new bit.  There is also picnic tables and BBQs for anyone to use.  It's a very nice area.
Swing Bridge at the End

The Three Ps Moored at the End
Pat, Patrick and Poochie were moored at the end so we stopped off to say hello and have a cup of tea and homemade cake.  I think we will see them one more time either here if they haven't moved when we come down on Wednesday or tomorrow if they come back through the tunnel and go past us, it has been really good seeing them again.

We walked back along the towpath and back up on the road.  There is a pub just here called The Globe so we went in for a drink and to have a rekkie as tomorrow our friends Geoff, Sue and Roxie who live in Ely are on holiday in Corby which is about an hour from here so they are driving over to see us tomorrow and we are going to have lunch in the pub, we are really looking forward to seeing them.

We then walked back to the boat.  We are staying here tonight and tomorrow, then off to the end of the canal on Wednesday.

Moored at Snarestone