Sunday 16 June 2019

Whitchurch to Whixall Moss - Llangollen Canal

Friday 14th to Sunday 16th June

going through bridge no. 2
Friday – We walked into town and had a look around the shops, then went to meet Jane.  We went to a café called Benjamin’s for lunch and really good it was too, we had a lovely few hours with Jane catching up.  We walked Jane back to her car and said our goodbyes although we will be meeting up again soon.  On the way back to the boat, we called into the Black Bear pub for a drink and to see what it was like, it was very nice and most of the tables were booked for the evening so always a good sign. 

Going through new mills lift bridge
Up she goes
Saturday – We went into town and did our food shopping, then just chilled out in the afternoon.

Another lift bridge
I'm working hard today!
Sunday – Today we are moving on and as rain was forecast later on in the day, we untied just after 9am and set off.  I walked down to the lift bridge and opened it up, all these on this section are manual and you operate them with a windless.  Kev came through, I shut the bridge and on we went.

I have five of these bridges to do today so that will be building my muscles up!

Coming to a bridge
We chugged on along the canal which was very quiet and we only passed one boat.  We soon came to the next lift bridge so I opened it up, then closed it again after Kev had gone through.  The next one wasn’t far away so we were soon through that one as well.  I held one car up on this bridge but you don’t get a lot of traffic as all these bridges are on quiet lanes or to a house.

A Bright Morning
And another one!
Holding up a car
We went through a lovely section of canal with lots of trees, this is a very rural canal and is very pleasant.  On we went along a very straight section of the canal and came to our last lift bridge for today.  There was a hire boat in front of us going through the bridge and they took ages so by the time they had gone through, we were right there and thought they might keep the bridge open for us, but no she shut it as I think as there was a van waiting to come across she didn't want to keep him waiting, so she closed it then went to open it again, we shouted to her to leave it as I would do it, so they went on their way.  

Lovely Trees
If it had been me, I would have said to the van driver, there is another boat coming through so I will let them through then lower the bridge, but never mind I opened the bridge for us and soon we were on the other side. 

Round we go
We chugged on and moored up in the visitor moorings just before the Prees Branch and by Whixall Moss. We managed to get here mostly in the dry but not long after we had moored up, the heavens opened and we had a really heavy rain shower and a few claps of thunder. This section of canal was cut through a large peat bog.  Over the years extensive draining and extraction of the peat for commercial use has reduced it’s overall size, but it can still claim to be the third largest raised bog in Britain.  

Nearly Done
The mosses attract a wide diversity of wildlife and there are footpaths and walks around the moss, we shall be exploring that while we are here.

Up she goes
In the afternoon when it brightened up and the sun actually came out,  we walked down the Prees Branch.  Despite its name, this branch of the main canal never reached the village of Prees  but terminated in 1806 in the small hamlet of Quina Brook.  Abandoned like many sections of canal in 1944, a short, one mile length has since reopened and provides pleasant moorings, as well as access to Whixall Marina.  

Prees Branch
The unnavigable section can still be followed, along the old towpath, passing through Prees Branch Canal Nature Reserve.  We only walked as far as the marina today, but will walk the other section before we move on.

Marina Cafe
To get to the marina, you have to leave the canal by the bridge and walk up the road.  They have a café so we went in and had a coffee and very nice it was too.  We are going to meet our friends Tony and Sheila here for breakfast and so we wanted to see what it was like.  We also chatted to one of the chaps, Phil, who worked in the marina to ask about services, etc., he was very helpful and friendly.
We walked back up the towpath and back to the boat and all in the dry for once!

We are staying here a few days now to explore the area and meet up with Sheila & Tony, then on we will go again getting ever closer to Llangollen and the mighty Pontcysyllte Aqueduct!

Moored at Whixall Moss

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