Saturday 22 June 2019

Bridge 4W to St Martins Moor - Llangollen Canal

Another sunny day and warm as well, such a nice change from all the rain we have had.  We untied and set off along the canal and was soon passing The Narrowboat Inn where we stopped for a drink yesterday.
Another Bridge

Passing The Narrowboat Inn
We chugged along under a few bridges passing a few boats on the way, one we met at a bridge so Kev told him to come through while we waited so he upped the revs and came through at speed, lost control and bashed into the side of the bridge, if only he had just come through slowly that wouldn’t have happen, folk are strange!

Coming to New Marton Bottom Lock
Coming up the lock
We carried on and then came to New Marton Locks, there are two of them, a boat was coming out the first lock so I got off and walked up to the lock and Kev brought the boat in.  There was a boat waiting to come down but they didn't help, so I shut the gates and filled the lock.

Passing a boat at the lock
In New Marton Top Lock
Lovely Views
Nice Bright Day
We were soon on our way to the next lock and a boat was coming out of that one as well with a family on and the kids were jumping on and off the roof of the boat as it came out the lock.  It might not be a very deep lock, but they are still dangerous places, I don’t think people realise, one slip and you could have a terrible accident. They passed Kev who was waiting to come into the locks and they were up on the roof and walking down the sides of the boat, glad they were going the opposite way to us!

There was a boat waiting to come down this lock as well so they helped me.  One of the bottom gates wouldn’t shut properly at first, we think there was something caught there but we opened the paddles and eventually they shut and the lock filled up.

Lovely views from up here
We then went on our way and moored up at St. Martin’s Moor in a lovely spot with views of the Welsh hills.

St Martins Church
We went for a walk in the afternoon to the village of St. Martins.  We took the footpath up through the fields to the village and there were lovely views at the top.  We went to the church first as there was a cache there which I am pleased to say we found.  Unfortunately the church was locked so we couldn’t go inside.  We then walked along the road and came to a statue to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of coal production at Ifton Colliery which was in the area.

Ifton Colliery Statue
Old School House
Across the road was Stan’s Superstore which we thought would just be a small village shop, how wrong were we!  It was a huge Superstore selling everything you could need.  We had a look around then went into the coffee shop, big mistake that was.  There was one young girl serving and she seemed to take for ever.  After what seemed forever it was my turn and I ordered a black coffee and a cappuccino, the black coffee was fine but the cappuccino caused her great problems.  I think she get a frothy head and so just kept pouring the milk into the coffee and it ended up all over the worktop and down the sides of the cup and in the saucer.  She gave it to me and said she would make me another but by this time I had lost the will to live so I just took it back to the table but it tasted awful so I took it back and one of the other girls made me one and it was fine this time.
Stans Super Store

The Keys Pub
We then walked a bit further and came to The Keys pub so stopped off for a drink.  It was a very nice pub.  We then followed the road back to the canal.  We went down onto the towpath and Kev saw a sign saying Ushers on a building the other side of the bridge and we thought it was another pub so we went to have a look, but it wasn’t a pub, it was a B&B doing tea, coffee and cake and also selling home made jam all for charity, so obviously we had to partake and it was such a lovely setting right by the canal.  
Our lovely mooring

We also bought a jar of marmalade and a jar of Gooseberry and Elderberry jam.

Sat at Ushers
The three houses used to be a farm in 1700s and when the canal was built, the farmer turned the buildings on the canal into a shop, Bakery and flour mill making bread and selling provisions to the boaters.  This farm was in the same family for 140 years and then they sold it to Mr Usher in 1930s who carried on the Bakery which became famous in the local vicinity.

In recent years, it was made into three separate houses.  It was lovely sitting there in the warm sunshine and we could have stayed there all afternoon, but we steered ourselves away and walked back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight then chugging on a bit further in the morning to Chirk and getting ever nearer to Llangollen and the end of the canal.

Moored at St. Martins Moor

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