Sunday 30 June 2019

Froncysyllte to Llangollen - Llangollen Canal

Thursday 27th June

This morning we are going over the mighty Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, 126ft high and 1007ft long and built by Thomas Telford and opened in 1805, it is a magnificent feat of engineering and is one of the must do things on the canals, although I am sure it’s going to be terrifying!

Lovely Sunny Day
Going through Lift Bridge
The Ponty Awaits
Off onto the Ponty we go!
It was a lovely sunny morning and no wind as we set off, we decided to go early so hopefully there wouldn’t be any boats coming the other way and we could go straight over.  We left our mooring just after 7.30am and soon came to the lift bridge.  I got off and opened it and Kev came through then I closed it and on we went around the corner and the mighty Ponty was in front of us.

That's our Shadow
Lovely Views from up here
It was all clear so off we went.  I was a chicken and stayed inside although I did look out the window and take some photos.  Poor Kev was outside but he said he was sat so far on the towpath side, he was almost on it!!  Neither of us are great with heights.  It was terrifying but exhilarating at the same time and after about 15 minutes we were at the other side breathing a sigh of relief but pleased we had done it, trouble is in a few days we have to come back across it as the canal ends at Llangollen, but at least we know what to expect now!
Going over the River Dee

When you come off the Ponty, Trevor Basin is straight ahead but to go on to Llangollen there is a sharp left turn under a bridge.  Luckily no one was coming so on we went.  The scenery is now spectacular with views of the Welsh mountains and valleys.

Over we go
The canal was really quiet and we only met one boat, unfortunately where we met the canal was shallow and we both got stuck.  Kev got us off though and on we went.

Steep Bridge
In the narrow section
There are two very narrow sections leading go Llangollen only wide enough for one boat so at these points, I got off and walked ahead to check it was clear and it was.  Also at the first section, two cyclists came along and said no boats were coming.  Just as you come to the end of the first narrow, the views over the valley are spectacular.
Stunning Views

In the next narrow section
We carried on and through the second narrow bit without meeting anyone and then we were at Llangollen and was surprised that there was another narrow bit and we had to wait and let the hotel boats through.  On we went past the Wharf café and shop and on abit further and then we were at the Basin and the end of the canal.

More lovely views
It is quite a bit Basin with pontoons and mooring for about 30 boats.  There was only a handful of boats there so we picked our spot and Kev reversed in.

At Llangollen
There is a charge to moor here at £6 a night and you can have a maximum of two nights.  You do get electricity and water on each pontoon included in the price.  It was good leaving early as we were all moored up by 10.30am which gives us the day to look around.

Llangollen Town
We went up into the town, it is lovely with beautiful views and the River Dee running through the town.  There are quite a few shops and as this is a tourist area, there were also a few gift shops.  On the river there was a nice bar/restaurant called The Corn Mill so we went in there for a drink and sat by the river, it was a glorious sunny afternoon.
Horse Drawn Boat Trip

We then walked back up to the boat to take our shopping back.  On the way back to the town we stopped at the Wharf where there is a café and had a coffee sitting on the terrace with views of the town.  We then wandered back into the town and stopped off for a drink at No. 29 a bar and hotel also on the river.  I had a local gin called Aberfalls Orange Marmalade and lovely it was too.

Our view while eating our chips
We then went to the chip shop and bought sausage and chips and walked along by the river, found a bench and sat and ate our tea.

It is so lovely by the river and as it was a hot sunny evening there was lots of families sat on the rocks playing in the rock pools.  As we were sat on our bench, we spotted an Aldi a short walk away so we strolled up there as we needed a few things.  It was then time to head back to the boat as we had been up since dawn or it felt like it and although this is probably normal for most people, not for us as a rule, and we won’t be making a habit of it!

It was a great day today and well worth the effort of getting here.  We are staying until Saturday then will start our journey back.

Moored in Llangollen Basin

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