Saturday 15 June 2019

A Days at Grindley Brook, then Grindley Brook to Whitchurch - Llangollen Canal

Tuesday 11th to Thursday 13th June

Tuesday – it rained all day so needless to say, we were confined to barracks.

Textile Exhibition in the Cathedral
Wednesday – We got the bus to Chester and what a bus ride, almost surfing along the lanes and even the A41, we did wonder if we would make it to Chester but we did although we were about 45 minutes late. It was overcast most of the day but it did stay dry and we had a walk around the shops and the walls.  

Chester Cathedral in Lego
Chester Imp, Can You See Him?
Where our piece will go
Our Thai Lunch
We also visited the Cathedral, it is lovely and we had a good look around, on their leaflet they mention the Chester Imp who keeps away evil spirits, we have never been able to find him so we asked one of the workers there and he pointed him out to us, he is high up in one of the windows.  They are building a replica of the Cathedral in Lego and you can buy a brick for £1 and then it will be put on part of the building.  We bought a brick and I put it in place, it will be on one of the gable ends.  There was a textile exhibition in the Cathedral so we had a look at that as well, it was interesting.  

We also went in Chester Market and had lunch in one of the cafes, Thai on Thai and excellent it was too.  We had a nice day in Chester, it’s such a nice city.

Going under the Railway Bridge
In the First Lock
Grey and Damp Today!
Thursday – We got up about 7am and it was only drizzling and the forecast was rain for later on and Friday so we decided to move.  Also we had an email from the Canal and River Trust saying that back up the canal from us, because of all the rain, the bank and towpath had been damaged and the canal was closed until it had been inspected, so we thought we would go up the locks while there won't be too many boats coming along.  
Coming into the Staircase

Coming up the staircase
We untied and set off to the locks, we have three single locks and a staircase of three locks to go up.  There was a boat in front of us so the first three locks were against us, but they are not very deep so we worked our way up,. At first it was raining but did ease off.

In the Middle Lock
We then came to the staircase of locks, there is a keeper there, so I walked up the locks to find him, there were several hire boats at the top as they were being stopped from going down the locks with the canal closed.  The lock keeper said we could come up so I went back down and told Kev and started emptying the bottom lock and then Kev came in and the lock keeper came and helped us up through the staircase.

Grindley Brook Top Lock
Lots of Hire Boats at Grindley
We were soon at the top and we stopped at the services in between all the hire boats to get water and get rid of rubbish, etc.  We then chugged off leaving all the boats behind us and went on for a mile or so and was soon approaching Whitchurch where we moored up in the visitor moorings just before the lift bridge and the Whitchurch Arm.

Sign at the Whitchurch Arm
It did start raining but we were moored up by then.  In the afternoon, we walked up into the town about a mile walk.  

End of Whitchurch Arm
We walked down the Whitchurch Arm.  This arm used to go right into the town but was closed by an Act of Parliament in 1944.  In 1989 a trust was set up to bring the arm back to life and in 1993 the first section to Chemistry Bridge was opened and at present this section is used for overnight and long term moorings.  The Trust is working to open up more of the canal and plans are being looked at to create a canal Basin the town side of Chemistry Bridge with the option to extend further into town in the future.

We had a walk around the town, did some shopping then walked back to the boat. 

We are staying here for a few days now.  Our friend Jane works in Whitchurch so we are meeting her for lunch tomorrow (Friday) when she finishes work so looking forward to that, then do shopping on Saturday and move on Sunday, weather permitting of course!

Moored at Whitchurch

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