Monday 10 June 2019

Marbury to Grindley Brook (below locks) - Llangollen Canal

Under the Bridge we go
It was actually dry when we got up this morning so we decided to set off rather than wait for the rain to come.  The canal was quite busy, I think everyone had the same idea.  We set off along the canal with a couple of boats in front of us.
Coming into Quoisley Lock

Pub by Willeymoor Lock
We were soon approaching Quoisley lock and moored up to wait for the two boats in front of us to go through, we went up and gave a hand and then it was our turn, unfortunately there wasnt  any boats coming down so we had to empty the lock first.  We got through the lock okay and went on our way.

In Willeymoor Lock
Thank Goodness it's closed!!
Lovely Bright Morning
The next lock we came to was Willeymoor lock and surprisingly there was no queue, just a boat coming down..  There is a pub right by this lock and the chap on the boat coming down said it was a nice pub and the food was good, so we were glad to see that it closed, so we didn’t have to go in! But there is always on the way back!

Heron on the towpath
Once through this lock, we were on our way again to the next lock, Povey's lock where would you believe we caught up with the boats in front of us and had to wait again.  The sign at the lock says Poveys lock with no apostrophe but in all the guide books it is spelt with an apostrophe, so when our friends John and Sharon came through a couple of years ago Sharon stuck an apostrophe on the sign, but I had a look and it has gone, so back to the old sign.

Sign at Povey's Lock
These locks are not very deep so it didn’t take too long to go through and we chugged on for a bit and moored up before the Grindley Brook flight of locks.

On we go from Povey's Lock
We walked up the locks and on our way back down, we stopped for a coffee and tea-cake at the cafe by the staircase locks, then walked on down the rest of the locks and walked out onto the road where there is a garage which sells cheap red diesel, so we will take our cans along there before we leave and fill them up.  

We want to get the bus to Chester while we are moored here, so we had a look for the bus stop then went for a drink in the pub opposite the garage called the Horse and Jockey, it is a nice pub but we only had a drink.

Sitting at the Lockside Cafe
Cafe by the Staircase Locks
We then walked back to the boat, although we didn’t get much sun today and rain was forecast this afternoon, for once it didn’t materialise to much.

We are now staying here as heavy rain is forecast for the next couple of days and if they are correct, we won’t be moving and certainly not doing locks in the rain, whatever next!

Moored at Grindley Brook

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