Wednesday 19 June 2019

A Few Days at Whixall Moss - Llangollen Canal

Monday 17th to Tuesday 18th June

Lots of water at Whixall Moss
Flooded Path
Whixall Moss
Monday – Today we are off on a walk around Whixall Moss, now a nature reserve but years ago, they used to remove the peat from this area.  We walked down the towpath to the small car park and set off on one of the paths to do a circular walk.  It is a lovely area rich in plants and wildlife and although we heard lots of birds we didn’t see many as the weather wasn't great, a bit drizzly and overcast.  

Info Board
We walked so far and then had to turn back as the path we wanted to follow was flooded and quite deep.  We met a chap out walking with his lovely little dog called Norman and he said he had never seen that path flooded like that before.  We walked back some of the way we had come and then followed another path and this brought us out further down the towpath.  We then walked back to the boat.  In the afternoon we just chilled and it rained so good job we did our walk in the morning!
Our Breakfast

Lots of plants for sale
The Old Canal Basin
Lovely Tea Garden
Tuesday – We are meeting our friend’s Tony and Sheila today at Whixall Marina for breakfast, so we walked down the Prees Branch to the marina to meet them.  They had their lovely dog Brock with them.  We had a lovely breakfast in the café and a good old catch-up.  We then said bye to Sheila, Tony and Brock, although we will see them again soon.

We walked back to the canal and over the bridge and carried on along the towpath and soon we were opposite the marina.  This is the end of navigation although the canal and towpath carries on, so we carried on, it is a lovely walk along the old towpath to the end of the old canal.  We walked up the steps onto the road and walked up there to Buzzy Bee Nursery.

Old Canal and Towpath
Lovely Iris & Nosy Cow!
It is a small nursery selling plants and they do teas in their garden.  They have also made a woodland walk which takes you to the old canal Basin.  We had a wander around there and then sat in the lovely garden and had a cup of tea.  It is a really nice place and the lady that runs it was very friendly.  We also bought a pot of home made damson jam.

We then retraced our steps back up the towpath stopping to look for a cache on the way and we were pleased to find it as on our way down, we met a group of lads who were geo-cachers looking for that cache and they didn’t find it.

Swan Family

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