Tuesday 4 June 2019

Nantwich (Shropshire Union Canal) to Bridge 1 (Llangollen Canal)

Monday 3rd June

Off we go
Nantwich Canal Basin
We are on the move today and the sun was shining.  We stopped at the water point first to fill up the tank and it seemed to take an age but eventually it was full and we chugged on our way under the bridge and past the entrance to Nantwich Canal Basin.

Turning onto the Llangollen Canal
Sign post at Hurleston Junction
Coming up the bottom lock
Coming to another bridge
On we went for a couple of miles and moored up in the visitor moorings just before the junction with the Llangollen canal.  We had lunch then went for a walk up the four locks at the start of the Llangollen.  There is a problem with the bottom lock in that the wall is bowing in and making the lock smaller and therefore there is a restriction on this lock at present, it is manned by CRT staff who manage the boats through.  We walked up to Bridge 3 and up the lane to a farm which sells free range eggs.  We bought a dozen and then walked back down.  We were going to go on the Llangollen canal tomorrow morning but as rain is forecast and there was also a volunteer on the locks this afternoon, we decided to go through today in the sunshine.
Nearly up

Working up the locks
We walked back to the boat and untied.  I walked back up to the locks and Kev brought the boat.  He came under the bridge and turned onto the Llangollen.  

Our Helpful Lockie
Leaving Hurleston top lock
Lovely view from up here
The CRT guys had the gates open, the width restriction is 6ft 10ins so we were a bit apprehensive as to whether we would fit and not get stuck, but we needn't have worried, the guys were great and they monitor you going in very carefully and check how close you are to the sides before they start filling the lock which they did very slowly, they were very professional and took a lot of care which was really reassuring, soon we were up the lock and onto the next one, they said we had room and fitted in easily so all good.

Passing the reservoir
There was a volunteer who helped me with the next three locks, the pound was down between locks 2 and 3 and so it was a bit shallow, but Kev managed to get the boat in the lock okay.  

Soon we were at the top of the flight and on our way passing the reservoir, under a bridge and moored up in a lovely sunny open spot.  

We will stay here tonight and see what the weather is doing in the morning as to whether we move on or stay put.  We haven’t done this canal before so it is all new to us, after being on canals we have done before for quite some time, we feel like holidaymakers exploring pastures new.

Moored at Bridge 3

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