Sunday 7 October 2018

Stone to Burston - Trent & Mersey Canal

Coming to the Winding Hole
The Winding Hole

We are finally leaving Stone today and it was dry this morning when we got up but rather chilly.  We set off along the canal to the winding hole which is below the locks and we turned around then reversed back to the water point and filled up the tank.

Coming into Aston Lock
Going Down
We then went back along the canal and after a mile or so we were at Aston lock which is by the marina where we went for our lovely meal last night and a boat had just come out so the lock was in our favour.

Nice Views Along Here
I had to fill it back up a bit as it was leaking badly and then I opened the gates and Kev came in.  I opened the paddles and down the boat went.  A boat was coming along the canal to come up the lock, so we left the gates open for them and went on our way.

We chugged on for another mile or so and moored up at Burston near Bridge 86.

We are staying here tonight then moving on in the morning.

Moored at Burston

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