Sunday 21 October 2018

Kings Orchard (By Marina) to Fradley (before Swing Bridge) - Coventry Canal

Saturday 20th October

Sun Peeping Through The Trees
We are going about four miles today back up to Fradley Junction.  It was another dry day but still a bit chilly as we set off along the canal, the sun was peeping through the trees so another sunny day ahead I think.

Is This A Bridge Or A Tunnel!
We chugged on along the canal under a few bridges and one of them was more like a short tunnel than two bridges put together.  We passed a few boats coming the other way and after a few miles we were approaching Fradley Junction and we moored up before the swing bridge which takes you out to the junction and onto the Trent & Mersey.
Nice Reflections in the Water

We had brunch then went out for a walk, we walked down past the cafe and over the bridge and had a walk around Fradley pool then out onto the canal and back down to the cafe and had a coffee sat by the canal watching the boats go by.
Sitting by the Lock at Fradley

It was a lovely sunny warm afternoon so we walked up to the top of the locks and sat on a bench in the sunshine, we then walked back down and found another bench as it was too nice to go and sit in the boat.  We did go back eventually as it was getting a bit chilly and it was time to light the fire.

We are staying here tonight then off up three locks and four miles tomorrow to Handsacre.

Moored at Fradley Junction

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