Tuesday 9 October 2018

Great Haywood to Wolseley Bridge - Trent & Mersey Canal

Passing the Junction

Coming into Haywood Lock

It was a lovely sunny morning as we left our mooring and set off along the canal to Great Haywood Junction.  We stopped at the services to fill up with water, get rid of rubbish etc., then we went on our way passing the junction with the Staffs & Worcs canal and along to Haywood lock.
In Haywood Lock

A Lovely Day
Under Another Bridge
There was a boat coming up so I helped them through and then it was our turn.  As we were going down the lock another boat came behind us and I thought I would get some help but no the chap came down to the lock and just watched me.  Kev thinks it was because as we left the water point that boat came under the bridge but we were already out into the canal so he had to go behind us and obviously didn't like it or perhaps he never helps anyone!
Coming to Colwich \Lock

We came out the lock and chugged on along the canal past Little Haywood and then came to Colwich Lock.  A boat was coming up and he was a single hander so we helped him through and then down we went.  The boat behind us with the helpful chap on it turned up and he just watched me again, at least he was consistent!
In  Colwich Lock

We went on our way and after about a mile we moored at Wolseley Bridge.  We had lunch then went out for a walk up to the Nature Reserve and had a walk around there.

There is a hide by the lake where they have bird feeders and there was a squirrel on one of them having a good feed, he didn't run off when we came in and seemed to be looking straight at us!
Squirrel Nutkin Looking at Us!

We walked along the boardwalk which runs around the pond and they have stacked up wood for the bank voles to live in and we were lucky enough to see them today.. We watched them for a bit and a robin was flitting about there as well and went for one of the voles, he didn't get him though.

The Boardwalk
We then went for a wander around the garden centre which is next door and then went back to the boat.

Bank Vole
As it was a lovely sunny day and so we did the washing, I was sorting it out at the back of the boat when a lad who had been running on the towpath said there was a sheep on the towpath just up from us, he said it had swam across the canal and got out and he wasn't sure what to do about it.  We could see some farm buildings up on the main road so he said he would go that way and see if he could find someone and went on his way.

Heron in the Field
We decided we would walk up to the road and see if we could find someone.  As we were leaving the boat a walker came along and the sheep came our way and ran past me and went under the bridge.  We went into the farm on the main road, it is no longer a farm but the chap there knew the farmer and said he would ring him.  We went back to the boat and couldn't see the sheep so presumed it had gone on down the towpath.

A short while later a boat pulled in behind us and then we heard someone knocking on our boat, I went out and the chap said do you know there’s is a sheep at the back of your boat and sure enough there was.  Just then the farmer who is called Fred came down the steps and we called him over and he pulled the sheep out and walked it up the steps along the road and put him back into the field.  

Then him and Kev went off along the towpath to find the other one as we though there was two escapees, they walked a fair way but no sign and Fred said he didn't think one would wander that far so they came back.  We think that the sheep we saw running off along the towpath was the same one that ended up at the side of our boat, he probably came back along when we were up on the road and went back in the canal to swim back to his field but got spooked by a passing boat and ended up getting stuck by our boat so alls well that ends well.  That was a first having a sheep stuck at the side of our boat, I should have taken a photo but in all the excitement I forgot.

We now have Farmer Fred’s number in case any more sheep decide to visit us!

We are staying here tonight, then moving on to Rugeley in the morning.

Moored at Wolseley Bridge

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