Thursday 18 October 2018

Handsacre (local Shops Mooring) to Fradley (Top of Locks) - Trent & Mersey Canal

Monday 15th October

Yesterday (Sunday) we stayed put as it rained most of the day, although we did get out for a short walk in the afternoon as it was just drizzling and by late afternoon it dried up and the sun came out for can while.

We are on the move today, going about four miles to Fradley Junction.

Passing the Toilet Factory
It was very overcast but not really raining as we set off from our mooring passing Armitage Toilet Factory and on along the canal which was quite quiet and we didn't pass many boats.

Round The Bend We Go!
We were approaching Kings Bromley marina when a boat just came straight out not looking to see if anyone was coming or sounding their horn, lucky we could see them coming out so we slowed down and they went on in front of us.  We went on along the canal and then came to Wood End lock.  The boat in front of us was just going in and another boat was waiting to come up so we pulled into the side to wait our turn.  The rain had turned heavy by this time and we were both soaking wet.
Under Another Bridge

While we were waiting, Kev noticed the bush was smoking and starting to glow even with the heavy rain, obviously one of the boats in front of us must have emptied their ash pan full of hot ash into the hedge, Kev threw some water on it and put it out but how irresponsible some people are, it had to be one of the two boats in front of us as there was no other boats around, just keep it in a bucket until its cold then empty it out, now how difficult is that!
Soaking Wet!

Eventually it was our turn and into the lock we went, there was two boat waiting to come up, although no one came to help until I was opening the gates for Kev to take the boat out.  The lock wasn't very deep so to get back on I went down the ladder in the side of the lock and stepped onto the back of the boat, that's very brave for me as I don't like climbing down or stepping up and even Kev was impressed!

Coming into Wood End Lock
We chugged on and then was approaching the top of the Fradley locks which lead down to Fradley Junction but was hoping to moor at the top of the locks and we were lucky there was one space so in we went.  We were glad to moor up and get inside and dry out.

We had lunch and it carried on raining for most of the afternoon but we did go out for a walk just down the locks and got rid of the rubbish at the service point.

Wood End Lock
When we were walking back up a boat came into the lock and the old chap on the back went to get off and missed the side and went into the canal.  A chap who was with him rushed to him and grabbed hold of him but couldn't get him out on his own, Kev went across their boat to help and two fisherman rushed to help as well and between them they pulled him out, he was okay just a bit shook up, I think he was rushing to get off and there was a bit of a gap and also being wet and slippery, but he was fine and they went on their way.

We are staying here tonight then hopefully if the weather forecast is correct it will be dry tomorrow and we will chug on, if its raining, we will be staying put as we are not getting wet two days in a row!

Moored At Fradley Above Locks

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