Monday 15 August 2016

Walk up to White Nancy

Steps leading up into the woods
More steps up to White Nancy
White Nancy

We are staying here today and going for a walk up to White Nancy.    This is an 18ft  high landmark standing on the top of Kerridge Hill overlooking Bollington and is visible for miles around.  It was built as a summer house by the Gaskell family who lived below the hill at Ingersley Hall, in about 1815.  It is stone built with external rendering and regularly painted white in order to maintain its visibility.  It is thought that it may have been built at that time to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo.  

Lovely views from the top
It is believed to have been built by a man named Dod who celebrated this work by having a tot of brandy and reciting a jingle:
Here’s to the mountain of Nancy, that’s built upon Ingersley Hill, Here’s good health, wealth and fancy, and give Dod another Gill!

More lovely views
There are a few theories as to where the name came from, one is that it could have been named after one of the Gaskell daughters, another is that it could have been named after the horse that hauled the stone up to the top of the hill and another is that it is the name of an ordinance survey reference point, take your pick!!

Me and White Nancy
The sun was shining and it was really warm as we set off down the steps from the canal along the road up a slight hill and up a bit more and then we came to a lane and up there and by a cattle grid there were some steps going up into a wood, so we went up there and the path and steps went up and up through the woods and then we were at the top and there was White Nancy, we were at the top and over 1000ft above sea level.

Coming back down
The views from up here were amazing.  We could see Clarence Mill where we went yesterday and extensive views across the Cheshire Plains towards the mountains of North Wales in the west, and the hills of Shropshire in the south, and the Pennines in the north and east, also you could see Jodrell Bank.  Also we could see Manchester Airport and the planes landing and taking off.  You could even see them going along the runway!
Amazing Views

 We sat for a bit admiring the view and then went for a further walk along the Saddle of Kerridge.  We walked back to White Nancy then made our way back down the path and steps.

It was a really great walk and we thoroughly enjoyed it, I don’t know we might become fell walkers yet!!
There was a café/bakery in the town, so we stopped off for a toastie and a drink and then made our way back to the canal.

We are staying here again tonight then heading on a bit further tomorrow.

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