Tuesday 23 August 2016

Bugsworth Basin to Disley (Upper Peak Forest Canal)

Heron drying his wings in a tree
Heron fishing opposite our boat

This morning when we got up, opposite us in a tree was a heron, which was quite unusual in itself as you don’t see them in trees that often, but this one was sat on a branch with his wings open drying his wings, it was quite a sight, we have never seen a heron do that before.  He then came down into the water and caught his breakfast, we did actually see him catch a fish but I wasn’t quick enough to take a picture of him with the fish, never mine next time!
Leaving Bugsworth Basin

Row of Teapot Cottages
We are going back up the canal today so we filled up with water at the services in the basin then off we went leaving Bugsworth Basin behind us, it is a really nice place to moor.  The sun was shining today and it was very warm which was lovely as yesterday it rained most of the day and was more like Autumn than Summer!
We chugged past the row of cottages just outside the basin, apparently they are called ‘Teapot Row’ because years ago the occupants used to empty their teapots into the canal, wonder if that was all they put in the canal!!
Back past Sweet Factory

Back through swing bridge
We chugged back up the canal past the arm which goes down to Whaley Bridge and onto the swing bridge.  I managed to open it on my own this time without Kev’s help, so we were soon through there and on our way again.

View of Railway Viaduct from canal
We went past Furness Vale and got a lovely view of the Railway Viaduct in the distance, unfortunately there wasn’t a train on it at the time, but never mind you can’t have it all.  Soon we were passing the Sweet Factory at New Mills  and on we went and moored up at Disley.

Disley Deli
We had lunch then went for a walk up into Disley.  It is a nice village but unfortunately the A6 runs through the middle of the village and was quite busy with traffic but it was still nice to have a look around.  There was quite a few shops including a post office, a bakery and a lovely deli.

We then walked back to the canal a different way so we did a circular walk.

We are staying here tonight and chugging on tomorrow.

Moored at Disley

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