Thursday 25 August 2016

Marple to Adlington (Macclesfield Canal)

Leaving Marple behind us
Lovely view chugging along

The sun was not shining this morning and it was very overcast but no rain yet.  We walked down to the Butchers we found yesterday to get some home cooked ham, home-made corned beef, pork pie, sausages rolls and a Venison and Turkey pie.  They make all this in the shop and the pies and sausage rolls were still hot!  It is such a great butchers and anytime we are up this way, we will make sure we pay them a visit.

Passing Goyt Mill
Passing a nice canal side garden
We got back to the boat and then set off along the canal and still no rain so that was good and soon we were passing Goyt Mill, it looks much more impressive coming this way than on the way up.  

After a couple of miles we came to Higher Poynton where we moored on the way up and we stopped at the water point to fill up.  
The wide Canal at Higher Poynton

Hag Footbridge
That done, we set off on our way again and went under a footbridge called Hag Footbridge, Kev muttered some remark about it being a bridge named after me, can’t think why!! Rude!!

On we went a bit further and moored opposite Lyme View Marina at Adlington.  We did get some rain but then it eased off so we went out for a walk.  

The Miners Arms
There is a pub not far from the canal called the Miners Arms but we resisted the temptation to go in there and walked on by.  We walked down the road for a bit then came back up and walked over the bridge to the marina to see if they had a Chandlers but they didn’t so we went back to the boat as it had started raining again.

We are staying here tonight and it is now raining hard and looks like its set for the rest of the evening.  We are heading on tomorrow as it is supposed to be sunny!

Moored at Adlington

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