Sunday 28 August 2016

Macclesfield to Top of Bosley Locks (Macclesfield Canal)

We are chugging on this afternoon and it was still dry and sunny as we set off along the canal, over Gurnett Aqueduct and on we went.

Back past the Hovis Mill
Over Gurnett Aqueduct
After a while we came to Broadhurst Swing Bridge which was open but should be closed, so Kev went through and I got off and tried to close the bridge but it was really heavy so Kev tied up and got off and helped me.

We went under a footbridge then we were at Royal Oak Swing Bridge which is electrically operated so nice and easy.  I opened the bridge and Kev went through and then I closed it again.  The road was quiet today and I only held up one car and a motorbike.

Through Swing Bridge
We chugged on for a mile or so then came to where we moored on the way up so we pulled in and Kev tied up the back and then came to the front to tie up then saw a swarm of wasps at the back of the boat, we had disturbed their nest, oh god, there was no way we were staying here so Kev untied the front and then braved the wasps to untie the back which had a chain around the metal so he had to go right where all the wasps were, they were all over the back, somehow he untied us and we raced off from there as fast as we could and by some miracle he didn’t get stung, it was a horrible experience for him though, I stayed inside at the back and stopped them from coming inside.  Luckily they all went back to their nest and we went on a bit further and moored just before the Bosley locks.  

We are staying here tonight then off down the locks tomorrow.

Moored at Top of Bosley Locks


  1. Thanks goodness the wasp experience didn't happen to John!

    1. Yes that was lucky. Kev was very brave as there were a lot of them and they were very angry, it was a miracle he didn't get stung, someone was obviously watching over him!
