Wednesday 24 August 2016

Disley (Upper Peak Forest Canal) to Marple (Macclesfield Canal)

Approaching swing bridge
going through lift bridge

The sun was shining again today as we set off from our mooring.  Just up from us was a swing bridge which is operated by a key and then you have to push it, it was easy to open and Kev came through and then I shut it behind him and on we went.

Approaching Marple Junction
Back onto the Macc we go
The next bridge was a lift bridge which is electrically operated so very easy to do and it didn’t take long to go through and on our way again.  We had one more bridge to do and that was a lift bridge which is operated by a windlass so I just have to turn and turn and it goes up, it’s quite hard work but okay and soon it was up and Kev was going through and then I lowered it again.

Marple Aqueduct & Railway Viaduct
We chugged on for another mile or so, this bit of the canal is very shallow and luckily we only passed a couple of boats but still ended up on the side in a couple of places and then we were at Marple Junction and we turned back on to the Macclesfield Canal and moored up opposite the water point.  We were lucky to get a space here as this spot is very popular.

Marple Junction
Marple locks
Marple Shops
Old horse tunnel by locks
We then packed up a picnic lunch and set off down the 16 Marple locks.  These are nice locks but deep.  We walked down to the bottom of the flight and then you go around the corner and there is Marple Aqueduct a three –arched aqueduct over the River Goyt and is almost 100ft above the river.  It was designed by Benjamin Outram and its construction utilizes circular pierced shoulders above each arch to reduce the weight of the rubble filling whilst providing a decorative feature.  It is a lovely structure.

Rope Roller by Locks
Stocks in Memorial Park
We walked across the aqueduct and sat on a bench the other side and had our lunch.  It is a lovely quiet setting.  We then walked back across the aqueduct and back the flight and into the Memorial park which is near the canal.  The park leads to the shops so we had a look around the shops and then went back to the boat.

Fantastic Butchers
We chilled out for a bit then walked over the bridge and down the road to see if there was anything of interest down there and guess what we came across a fantastic butchers which make their own sausages, pies, cure the ham etc.  We bought a few things then headed back to the boat.  They didn’t have any pies or sausage rolls left and the ham was still cooking so we are going to call in there tomorrow morning before we leave as it is only about a five minute walk from where we are moored.

We are staying here tonight and chugging off in the morning.

Moored at Marple

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