Friday 12 August 2016

Going up Bosley Locks and Day Trip to Macclesfield (Macclesfield Canal)

Thursday 11th August

Only another 11 to go!
Information signs at the locks
We decided not to go up the locks this morning as the weather is not great, it was drizzly on and off and very overcast.  Bill went up the locks this morning and Kev gave him a hand and then Kev helped a hire boat on his way back down as well, so that’s his good deed done for today.

In the afternoon it started to clear up and brighten up, so we decided that if it continued like this we would go up the locks today  so at 4pm we set off for the locks, I think we have gone mad, what are we doing, moving this time of the day!  The reason was that we wanted to get the bus from the top of the locks to Macclesfield and originally we were going to do the locks on Friday and the bus on Saturday, then we found out the bus only runs Monday to Friday, so it was a choice of going up the locks late afternoon today or getting up with the lark and going up early tomorrow morning, late afternoon won!
One out, one in
In lock with Cloud in background

A lovely setting
Nearly at the top
A boat had just come down, so the first one was set for us and we were soon through there and working up the flight, there are 12 to do, but we were very lucky and couldn’t have timed it better as there was another three boats coming down, so we had help at some locks and they were all set for us, and soon we were at the top of the locks.  These locks raise the canal level by 118ft to well over 500ft above sea level.  Each lock has a pair of mitred top gates instead of the more usual single one, and are a good example of Telford’s practice of grouping locks together in flights; hence there are 12 within just one mile!

We stopped for water at the top and to get rid of rubbish, then we chugged on along the canal, past the long term moorings and moored up at the end of them.

Moored at the top of Bosley Locks

Friday 12th Agust - Day Trip to Macclesfield

Today  we are getting the bus to Macclesfield as moorings in Macclesfield are hard to get and if we don’t get one when we get there, we would have missed a look around the town.

We walked back to the top of the locks and walked up the road to the main road where we got the No. 87 to Macclesfield.  We got a day saver ticket which was £5.30 each.

The Old School House
Macclesfield is a nice town with plenty of shops, so we had a stroll around.   

St Michaels & All Angels
We went to the Old Sunday School Museum. This building was built in 1814 and the museum explores the history of the building and the rich heritage of Macclesfield, it was very interesting.

We also had a look in St Micheals and All Angels Church which was really nice.

View of Old Hovis Mill
There are fine views of the hills from the shops and you can also see the Old Hovis Mill in the distance which is now apartments.  This is right by the Macclesfield Canal so when we come through here on our boat, we shall see it close up.

We got the bus back to the locks, then walked back to the boat.  We are staying here again tonight and chugging off in the morning.

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