Thursday 2 August 2018

Terminus of the Ashby Canal to Shackerstone - Ashby Canal

Wednesday 1st August

Yesterday (Tuesday) we stayed put and didn't really do much, just a few jobs, Kev did some painting.

Leaving the Terminus
Coming to the Tunnel

We are on the move today and it was another sunny warm day.  We went over to the boat shop and told the chap who runs it we were leaving, so he said he would swing the bridge for us.

In We go!
Another Bridge
We undid the padlock and bolt and he opened the bridge and through we went.  We stopped at the water point to fill up and then we said goodbye to the terminus, it has been great staying there a few days, such a peaceful nice place,but now time to start heading back down the canal.

Nearly at the End
Out into the Daylight
We chugged on under a couple of bridges and soon came to the tunnel, it was all clear so into the darkness we went and was soon coming out into the sunshine.

On we went, through a wooded section, we passed a couple of boat coming the other way and after a few miles we were approaching Shackerstone where we moored up.

Very Dry Fields
Wooded Section
Comma Butterfly
Church at Shackerstone
This is where the Battlefield Line is, so in the afternoon we walked down to the station, trains were running and the cafe was open, so we had a drink and sat on a bench on the platform and the railcar came in.  A coach party then turned up so the train was very busy.  They aren't running steam at the moment due to the dry weather.  At 3.30pm the railcar left and we watched it go then walked back along the road, we did a cache on the way, we looked for it the last time we were here but this time we were lucky and we found it!

Rail Car at the Station
Moored at Shackerstone
While we were out walking, we saw a lovely butterfly which kept landing on the hedgerow but moving off before I got a good photo, I did get one in the end and it was a Comma, so that was good as don't think we have seen one of those before.

We then walked up to the church but unfortunately it wasn't open.

We walked back to the boat and in the evening we had a BBQ as it was a lovely sunny warm evening.

Thursday 2nd August

The Old Railway Line
Old Carriage
The Rising Sun
We are staying put today so mid-morning we went out for a walk onto the old railway line which is now the road into the station.  There is an old railway carriage there and there was a cache on it so we had a look around and we found it.  We then walked back down the road to the pub, The Rising Sun and we were going to have lunch but they weren't serving food so we just had a drink.  We haven't been in here before and it was okay, but not as friendly and inviting as The Globe at Snarestone, but at least we had a look.

We went back to the boat and chilled out.  It is a really nice spot where we are moored, very sunny and really quiet around here.  We are staying here again tonight then off in the morning.

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