Wednesday 29 August 2018

Grendon to Polesworth - Coventry Canal

All Saints Church
Smithys Farm Shop & Tea Room
Inside the Farm Shop
Yesterday (Tuesday) we stayed put and walked to Smithy's Farm Shop. It is about a 20 minute walk from the canal.  We walked up the road which is quite busy but there was a grass verge.  We stopped off to have a look at the church, All Saints Church, a nice looking church but unfortunately it was locked so we didn't get to look inside, but there was a cache on the boundary of the church, I am pleased to say we found that then carried on to the farm shop.

Lovely Countryside
Railway Line Near the Canal
It is a really good shop and we bought plenty of fruit and some vegetables.  They sell their own reared lamb but unfortunately didn't have any this time.  There is a cafe there as well so we stopped off for a drink and a bite to eat, then made our way back to the boat. 
Train Going Over the Canal

The sun was shining and it was warm as we set off along the canal.  We are only going a couple of miles to Polesworth. 
Going under the Railway Line

Lots of White Ducks Here
We chugged on along the canal and on this stretch the railway line runs very close to the canal.  We went under the railway line and a couple of bridges, then was approaching Polesworth.  We moored up then walked up to the village.

Gatehouse to Abbey Church
There are a few shops, so we got a few provisions, then went to Polesworth Abbey Church but it wasn't open today which was okay as we had a look around there when we were here earlier in the year.

We then walked back to the boat.  This afternoon, we went for a walk to see if we could find any blackberries but no luck.

We are staying here tonight and having a Chinese takeaway for tea as we tried it when we were last here and it was one of the best we have found so can't go through here without having another one.  Tomorrow we are chugging on, again only a couple of miles to Alvecote.

Moored at Polesworth

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