Monday 6 August 2018

Shenton to Dadlington - Ashby Canal

The forecast for today was that it would be very hot, so we left our mooring just after 9am so we wouldn't be travelling in the heat of the day, although it was already very warm as we set off.

Horses & Geese Enjoying the Sun
Passing Sutton Cheney Wharf
This stretch of the canal seemed quite shallow and when passing boats coming the other way, we ended up on the side a few times but soon slid off and went on our way, its not a very nice feeling though, as you are usually on an angle but that’s the joys of boating.

We chugged on and after a couple of miles, we arrived at Sutton Cheney Wharf where we stopped at the services for water, to get rid of rubbish, etc. 

Lovely Flowers on the Canal
Coming to Another Bridge
When we had filled up, we went on our way passing the cafe that is at the wharf and on along the canal.  There were lots of nice wild flowers growing on the banks and we passed a field with horses and geese enjoying the sunshine.

We traveled for another mile or so and tried to moor up in a nice sunny spot but couldn't get the boat into the edge, too shallow, so we went on a bit further under bridge 30 and moored up just beyond the bridge.
Inside the Church

Church at Daddlington
We walked up the road to the village of Dadlington which is very small, just a few houses, a church and a pub.  We went to have a look in the church which was quite small but very nice. 

Church Notice Board
Dadlington is notable for its claim that the Battle of Bosworth took place within the parish rather than at the better known site to the north.  The Church notice board proclaims "that in 1511 King Henry VIII authorised the founding of a Chantry Chapel to commemorate the souls of those killed at the Battle fought in this Parish in the Field of Redemore".

Great Sign at the Pub!
The Dog & Hedgehog
We then walked back to the pub, which is called the Dog & Hedgehog and is apparently the only pub with this name.  We wanted to go in there as back in 2007 we hired a boat on this canal and we went to this pub then, so wanted to call in again to see if it had changed.

We think it is different owners but it was still as nice inside and the owner and staff were very friendly.  The food was really good as well and the pub was heaving and a lot of them seemed regulars as they were greeted by their first names, always a good sign the pub is good. 

10 More Miles to Go
Moored at Dadlington
Suitably full, we walked back to the boat but a different way as there was a cache on the footpath through the field and which led back to the canal.  After a bit of searching, we found the cache and walked down to the canal.  We came on at Bridge 31 so we walked along the towpath to Bridge 30 where there was another cache which we found as well then back to the boat.

We then spent the afternoon sat outside in the shade watching the world and a few boats go by.  We are staying here tonight then going around the corner tomorrow to a nice mooring where we stopped on the way up.

Moored at Dadlington

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