Friday 31 August 2018

Polesworth to Alvecote - Coventry Canal

Yesterday (Thursday) we caught the bus to Tamworth to go to the Castle.  It was a lovely sunny warm day so we packed a picnic and headed off to catch the bus.  It was about a half hour bus ride and we were at Tamworth.

Lovely Gardens
Sat in the Gardens near the Castle
We had a wander around the shops, then sat in the lovely park which overlooks the River Anker and is near the Castle.  As we hadn't had much breakfast, we had our sandwiches sat in the warm sunshine then walked up to the Castle.

Dining Room
Postern Gate Info Board
The castle is very old and was originally built in wood by the Normans and is a fine example of a motte and bailey castle from this period. In Medieval times, the wooden castle was replaced by stone. The shell keep wall and tower were built between 1170 and 1190 and are the oldest parts of the castle structure.
Postern Gate - So Tiny!

At the end of the Wars of the Roses, peace resumed and the castle was transformed from a fortress to a grand home.  During the Stuart and Georgian periods, two families lived there and did several renovations.

Dole Cupboard
In 1897 the castle was purchased by public subscription to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of QueenVictoria and in 1899 was opened to the public as a museum.

We had a good look around, there is lots of rooms to walk through and you go up and up and into the tower and outside, there was a great view from up there.

With Drawing Room
View from the Tower
In one of the rooms, there was a Dole Cupboard which was used for storing bread.  Any leftover bread was doled out to the poor who relied on the Lord for such handouts.  This is where the modern concept of the dole comes from.

We had a drink in the cafe before we left, then we walked back through the gardens to the shops.  The Castle was really interesting and well worth a visit.

Inside the Church
We also visited St. Editha's Church which is one of the largest and oldest in the Midlands, dating back 1200 years.  In 597 Augustine came from Rome to spread the Christian faith and seventy years later, in 667, St. Chad was made Bishop of Lichfield.  It is thought that he visited nearby Tamworth and a church stood on the present site of today's church.
Statue in the Gardens

Off we go
It was very nice inside and we had a good look around.  There was a few volunteers inside the church and one of them told us various things about the church and windows, all very interesting.

Out the way Duckkies!!
We then went back to the shops to do some shopping then got the bus back.  We had Chinese for tea as yesterday when we went to get it, it was closed.

Going under the M42
 We are on the move today but only the usual couple of miles.  It was a glorious sunny day as we set off from our mooring.
Peaceful Canal Today

Lovely Sunny Morning
We went under a few bridges including the M42 and on along the canal and moored up opposite Samuel Barlow pub at Alvecote. 

We are staying here for a couple of days now to chill out and do a few jobs.  The other day when we walked to Smithy’s Farm Shop, we picked some cooking apples from a tree overhanging the grass verge so I am going to make chutney and an apple pie.

On Monday we will chug on.

Moored at Alvecote

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