Thursday 22 September 2016

Market Drayton to Goldstone (Shropshire Union Canal)

At bottom of Tyrley Locks
We are on the move today after spending a few days in Market Drayton.  It has been nice as on Tuesday we met my friend Gill who lives in Shrewsbury and caught the bus over to see us.  It was great to see her and catch up as it has been a few years since we last met.  Wednesday it was market day so we walked down to the town and had a look around there and got the rest of our shopping and also looked in the Chandlery at the boat yard which is very well stocked.   We have had a nice time at Market Drayton but time to move on now. 

Running the Gauntlet into the locks

We set off from our mooring and stopped at the services to get water, etc. then off we went along the canal to Tyrley locks.  There are five locks in this flight and the first couple are under trees so it is always very dark and dank.  Also on most of the locks the bywash is very fierce so Kev will have to run the gauntlet when getting into the locks!

In the sunny locks
Kev's Helper!
There was a couple of boats in front of us and no boats coming down so it took a while to get going up the locks, but there was a volunteer lock keeper so that helped.

At top of Tyrley Locks
We made our way up the locks and when you get to the third one, it is out in the open again so getting into the sunshine was very nice as it was quite chilly under the trees.  Soon we were at the top of the locks and we stopped again at the services to get more water as we had done the washing on the way and so wanted to fill the tank up again.

Stall at the Top Lock
At the top lock there is a house and they had a stall by the lock selling home-made jam and chutney, vegetables, some raspberries and there was a box of eating and cooking apples to which you could help yourself.  Needless to say we nearly cleared the stall with all the goodies we got, nothing like fresh veg and home-made jam and chutney and free apples!
Very Tall Bridge

We went on our way and we went through Woodseaves Cutting which is about 70ft deep and a mile long and was cut out from the rock entirely by men without powered machines.  It is lovely but is very narrow in places and the sides are very rocky so not ideal to meet another boat coming the other way.  There are also a couple of really high bridges.  We saw a kingfisher while we were chugging through but he was too quick for a photo! 
Woodseaves Cutting
We managed to do the whole cutting without meeting a boat.  There was one coming as we got to the end but he had the sense to wait in the wide bit for us to come through so that was lucky.

Wharf Tavern
We chugged on a bit further and then moored at Goldstone opposite The Wharf Tavern which is a great pub.  We went over there for lunch and it was really good as always.  They make their own battered scampi so I had that and Kev had a ploughmans which was huge with Ham and Cheese.  The food is excellent and they are very generous with the portions.

Cheswardine Church
Community Shop
I'm not walking that far!
We sat in the garden of the pub for a bit and then we did a circular walk up to the village of Cheswardine which has a nice church which was open so we had a look inside and they also have a Community Shop.  We then walked through the village where there was a mile marker for all sorts of places, glad we are not walking that far! We came back down to the canal and then along the towpath, under a couple of bridges and back to the boat.  It was a beautiful sunny afternoon so it was nice to get out and have a walk.

We are staying here tonight then off tomorrow morning. 

Moored at Goldstone

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