Friday 23 September 2016

Goldstone to Shebdon Enbankment (Shropshire Union Canal)

Going through a wooded section
Two bridges close together
Passing the old Cadbury Factory

We are moving on today only a few miles to Shebdon Embankment where Tony of Bethsaida Covers is moored at the wharf.  He made our front and back covers several years ago and over the years have suffered a bit of wear and tear and also sustained some damage when we were in Harecastle Tunnel due to us bouncing from side to side in the low bit!

Bethsaida Covers
Bethsaida Covers Sign
We set off along the canal and it was another nice sunny and warm day.  The canal was quite quiet and we only passed a couple of boats. We went through a wooded section of canal and then under a few bridges and past the old Cadbury Factory which is now Muller.  We were at Shebdon Enbankment where at each end there are flood gates to close off the channel in case of a breach.
Tony repairing our covers

Flood gate at one end
Flood gate at the other
Tony has a visitor mooring so we tied up there and went to his boat to see him.  He looked at the panel on our back cover which was damaged to see if it could be repaired but we decided in the end to have a new one made.  The front cover had a tear which he said he could repair so he set to work to make our new side panel and do the repair.  

Our shiny new side panel
After a couple of hours it was done and we moved across the canal to the visitor moorings.  Kev was going to put the clips etc. on the panel so he set to work to do that.  Tony was very kind and lent him the tools to do it and after about an hour we had a shiny new side panel all back in place.

We are staying here tonight and moving onto Norbury Junction tomorrow.

Moored at Shebdon Enbankment

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