Friday 9 September 2016

Hurleston Junction to Nantwich (Shropshire Union Canal)

Swan taking off in front of us

Passing the Llangollen Canal

It was a nice sunny day when we set off this morning, we are only going a couple of miles to Nantwich, hopefully we can moor there as it is a very popular place with boaters.

We set off past the entrance to the Llangollen canal and on along we went.  There was a swan on the water and when we got to it, it took off and landed further up the canal, when we got close to it again, it did the same thing but this time it flew off over the trees.

Approaching Nantwich
Market Square in Nantwich
We chugged on and soon we were at Nantwich and luckily there was a space for us so we moored up and then walked down into the town.

St Mary's Church
Nantwich is a nice town with a variety of shops.  We had a look around and went in the church which is really nice and then went for a coffee and a sandwich in one of the many cafes.

Nantwich Aqueduct
We then had another look around the shops and found a nice Butchers/Deli/Coffee Shop, so we had a look in there and discovered that the café was done out all old fashioned, it looked like stepping back in time but as we just had a coffee we will save that one for next time.

Boat going across Aqueduct
Sculpture Dog
We then walked back to the boat and went underneath Nantwich Aqueduct, we were hoping a boat would go over so I could get a nice picture but nothing came over but as we were walking back up a boat came, typical, I did get a picture but it would have been better if I had been further away,never mind! 

Sculpture Horse
We then walked down to Nantwich Marina Wharf and had a look in the Chandlers and then had a drink sat by the water.  It was quite entertaining as this boat came in and must have hit every boat in the marina and then tried to turn by a boat that had been recently painted and got stuck but managed to do it in the end but left a lovely white mark all down the side of the boat!

We went back to the boat and then had a walk along the tow path as there was a sculpture trail along there which was put there quite a lot of years ago to celebrate the restoration of the embankment.  

We are staying here tonight and chugging on in the morning.

Moored at Nantwich


  1. I took the boat down into the marina to see if there were any temporary moorings there (John was asleep!) and I managed to turn it and without touching anything!

  2. Well done as it is quite tight in there, we moored in the visitor moorings, there was actually a space this time, mind you only the one!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought they might let us moor near the cafe or the chandlery while we visited both, but the woman who I asked (I'm not sure which she worked for) was a bit unfriendly, so we just went back out.
    The moorings before the aqueduct were full, so we thought we were out of luck. Then I realised that only the first few after the aqueduct are long-term, then there are lots of visitor moorings. It's a bit quieter than the first lot, and away from the bend, so I think we'll look there first in future.

    * I've just realised you can't edit comments and I'd missed a word out, so that's why it shows a deletion!
