Thursday 29 September 2016

Wheaton Aston to Brewood (Shropshire Union Canal)

Fly-boat Saturn
Going through Wheaton Aston
In Wheaton Aston Lock

It was another nice sunny day but a bit breezy as we set off along the canal stopping at the services to get water, etc.. The fly-boat Saturn was moored up on the opposite side of the canal.  This boat is the last horse-drawn Shropshire Union Canal fly-boat in the World, originally built to travel non-stop, day and night, carrying perishable goods.  Over 100 years old, she has been fully restored to her former glory and is used at boat festivals and for school children to experience the working environment and conditions of the canal boat people of the Victorian era.

Stretton Aqueduct
We then went  on along the canal to Wheaton Aston Lock.  It is not very deep so we were soon in the lock and up we went.  There was no boats coming down so I closed the gates and we chugged on.

There was quite a lot of boats coming the other way this morning.  We went over Stretton Aqueduct, an elegant cast iron structure which carries the canal over the A5.

Little boat with the big cover!
When we chugged along this stretch a couple of years ago, there was a really tiny boat in the long term moorings and it was still there, but this time it had an addition, a pram cover and it was nearly as big as the boat, it did look funny, but we shouldn't laugh it is probably someones pride and joy!!  After a couple of miles we were at Brewood where we moored up.  The name Brewood (pronounced Brood) derives from Celtic Bre, meaning hill, thus giving wood on the hill.  It originally consisted of a Roman fort on Beacon Hill to defend Watling  Street.

Speedwell Castle in the Square
We had lunch then walked up to the village where there is a few shops, a really good Butchers where we got some nice produce and Coopers, which is a deli, also a couple of pubs, a café and a Bakery shop.

Butchers in Brewood
In the square is a building called Speedwell Castle erected by an apothecary around 1740.  He is reputed to have won handsomely on a horse named Speedwell and used his winnings to build the dwelling. The entire market square is allegedly riddled with underground vaults and passages interconnecting Speedwell Castle with the pubs and hotels ringing the square.

We had a walk around then went back to the boat.

We are staying here for a couple of days now as tomorrow we are catching the bus to Wolverhampton.

Moored at Brewood

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Gnosall to Wheaton Aston (Shropshire Union Canal)

Approaching Cowley Tunnel
Passing the Boat Inn

We are on the move today and the sun was shining as we set off and it was warm as well.  We passed the Boat Inn which is right on the canal at Gnosall and then we were approaching Cowley Tunnel which is only 81yds long, it was originally intended to be much longer – 690yds – but most of it was opened out at an early stage during construction (in 1831) because of dangerous faults in the rock, and now only 81yds remain.  The tunnel is unlined, and to the south of it a steep narrow cutting through solid rock stretches a considerable distance.

Going through Cowley Cutting
Inside Cowley Tunnel
We chugged through the cutting and then on along the canal which is tree lined and in places the trees cover the canal like a roof. We were going to moor before Wheaton Aston but couldn’t really find any nice moorings or there were boats already moored there so we chugged on and after a few miles we were at Wheaton Aston where we moored up.  
Nice Shaped Bridge

Tree Roof over the Canal
The coal boat Roach and a butty came through so we stopped them for some coal as they sell the Ovals we like.  We got a few bags and then they went on their way.

Coal Boats coming by
Church at Wheaton Aston
We had lunch then we walked up into the village, there used to be a Post Office but it was being renovated when we passed by.  We walked up the road and down by the Church which is a nice building but it wasn’t open.  There was a Spar shop opposite the Church which we didn’t know was there so we have found something new again! We stopped in the pub, The Hartley Arms for a coffee on the way back, it is right by the canal.  It was a really friendly pub and looked really nice inside.
Getting Diesel at Turners

We walked back to the boat and untied and stopped at Turners Garage just up from where we were moored to get some diesel, it is really cheap here 51.9p a litre.  When we stopped here two years ago, the diesel was 71.9p and we thought that was very cheap then, so today it was dirt cheap!

We filled up and had a chat to the friendly chap in the garage, then we went under the bridge and moored up there.

We are staying here tonight then off tomorrow morning, we have one lock to do tomorrow so that will be fun!

Moored at Wheaton Aston

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Day Out to Newport & Stafford

We are off on the Charabang today to Newport and then to Stafford as we can get a Midlands Saver ticket for £6.20 each which enables us to visit both places.

We walked up to the bridge to get the bus and after a short bus ride, we were at Newport, we haven’t been here before so it was nice to have a look around.  It is a very nice town with a variety of shops and a nice church, St. Nicholas but unfortunately it wasn’t open so we couldn’t have a look inside.

Nice Old Building in Newport
St Nicholas Church Newport
We found a nice cafĂ© for elevenses and then decided to go and get the bus to Stafford.  We have been to Stafford once before but it was nice to go again as this is a nice town as well.

Soup Kitchen
We went to the Soup Kitchen for lunch which is in a 16th Century building and a really nice place.  We had a lovely lunch, they have their own bakehouse so for my dessert I had a fresh home-made scone with jam and clotted cream and it was absolutely delicious!

St Mary's Church
There is a really nice church in Stafford called St Mary so we had a look in there, it is very nice and then we strolled around the shops and got a few supplies.

It was rather overcast when we set out this morning but the sun came out this afternoon so that was nice.  We got the bus back to Gnosall late afternoon.

We had a really nice day today visiting Newport and Stafford, both are really nice towns and we will certainly visit them again when we are in this area.

We are staying in Gnosall tonight then chugging on tomorrow.

Monday 26 September 2016

Norbury Junction to Gnosall (Shropshire Union Canal)

Leaving Norbury on a wet Monday

We are moving on to Gnosall, pronounced 'Knows All', this morning and guess what it was raining, but we still decided to go as we don’t have that far to go.

We set off along the canal and stopped at the services to fill up with water, etc. then went on our way.  You say poor Kev having to steer in the rain, but not really as we were able to have our back cover up for most of the journey as the bridges are high and on this section there are not many overhanging trees so he didn’t really get wet!

Flood gate at one end
Flood gate at the other end
We chugged along Shelmore Enbankment which is a mile long and was the source of endless grief and expense to the Birmingham & Liverpool Junction Canal Company in general and to Thomas Telford, the engineer, in particular.  It was an enormous task anyway to shift the millions of cubic feet of earth to build the bank; but while the contractors struggled to complete it, the bank slipped and collapsed time and again.  By early 1834, Shelmore Enbankment was the only unfinished section of the whole canal.  It was not until 1835, after 5½ years’ solid work on it and well after Telford’s death, that the embankment was completed and the Canal was opened as a through route.  There are flood gates at each end, to close off the channel in case of a breach.  These were closed each night during World War II as a precaution against bombing.
Gnosall Village
Gnosall Village

We went on along the canal and soon we were at Gnosall where we moored up.  We had lunch then went for a walk up to the village where there is a few shops, not many but it is a nice walk.  It was still raining but not very hard.
We are staying here for a couple of days now as tomorrow we are catching the bus to Newport and Stafford so looking forward to that and the forecast is for a dry day, so fingers crossed they are right. 

Moored at Gnosall