Saturday 24 June 2017

Market Drayton to Bottom of Adderley Locks (Shropshire Union Canal)

Thursday 22nd June

This post is a little late as where we were moored at Adderley, we were in an Internet black spot and couldn't get any signal at all.

Yesterday (Wednesday) we stayed at Market Drayton and went up to the market that is held in the town each week.  It is not that big but does bring the town to life so it’s good to visit.  There is also a small indoor market which is open when the market is on.

We had a wander around and then went for a coffee.  We then went to Morrisons and Lidl and got the rest of our shopping and headed back to the boat.  We thought we were going to get a thunder storm as it went black and started to rain, but the rain didn’t last long and the sun came out, so no storm.
We went for a walk back down to Tyrley locks as there was a few caches around there and we found most of them, then back to the boat for tea.

This morning, we are moving on a few miles to Adderley locks where there is a good farm shop.  We needed to get water, so we stopped at the water point which is very busy so it was a while before it was our turn, but it didn’t matter, we are in no rush.

Leaving Market Drayton
We set off along the canal leaving Market Drayton behind us, under several bridges.  The canal is quite busy today and we passed a few boats. 
Grey Skies Today
Coming into Adderley Top Lock
We then came to the top of Adderley locks and guess what it started to rain hard and so we got wet as there was a boat in front of us and one coming up so we had to wait awhile.  Luckily the rain didn’t last long and then it was our turn and we started off down the five locks.

Stall by the lock
At the top of the flight is a farm which has a stall on the lock selling their own reared pork, lamb, sausages, bacon, pork pies, home-made butter, etc.  They also used to have a farm shop but that is closed now and the lady from the farm just does the stall on the locks and sells at Farmers Markets.

Down we go
There was a couple of boats coming up so it didn’t take too long to get to the bottom.  We didn’t get any more rain and in fact it brightened up and the sun came out.

The view from our mooring
In Adderley Bottom Lock
We moored at the bottom of the locks which is a lovely sunny open spot opposite a field which is full of calves and a family of Geese.We had lunch then went for a walk up to the bridge and down a couple of roads and eventually we came back to the farm.  We stopped by there and chatted to the lady, and we bought some nice lamb steaks, bacon, pork pie, home-made strawberry jam and butter.

We then walked through the farm up to the top lock where her stall is and saw that there was a pack of two lovely big pork chops so we bought them as well.  The weather brightened up and the sun came out so we had another BBQ and it only when cloudy when we had finished so that worked out well.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow then Audlem here we come!

Moored at the bottom of Adderley Locks


  1. Are you able to tell me where the Lock House is/was located between Hawkesmoor Bridge and The Wems Bridge crossings.Please assist.

    1. Hi I am sorry we dont actually know the answer, I have tried to google it but nothing came up and we are not in that area to go and have a look.
