Thursday 15 June 2017

Little Onn to Gnosall (Shropshire Union Canal)

There was no sun this morning as we set off and a bit chilly, but as we travelled on, it got brighter and eventually the sun came out and it was a lovely sunny day in the end.

Turnover Bridge
We went under a few bridges, one of then is called a turnover bridge as it takes the towpath from one side to the other and then came to Cowley Cutting which is quite narrow and cut out of solid rock and guess what, we met three boats coming the other way but there was room to pass so that was okay.

Cowley Cutting
Cowley Tunnel
We then came to Cowley Tunnel which is 81yds long.  It is unlined and has a towpath along one side.  The original intention, however, was for it to measure over 700yds long but the brittle rock strata and a mass of tree roots caused most of the tunnel to be opened out to form a deep cutting.

In Cowley Tunnel
Cafe/Antiques Shop
Soon through there and luckily there were no more boats coming the other way and we were at Gnosall and pulled into the visitor moorings which were a bit under trees so then we pulled the boat up but then decided the other spot was better so we pulled it back and tied up. 

Gnosall Church
We walked up into the village which has a post office, take-away, garage, Co-op and a café/Antiques shop so we went in there for lunch.  We had toasties followed by home-made scones that the lady had made this morning, Kev had a savoury Cheese and Bacon one and I had a Cherry and Almond one and very good they were too.  When we left, the lady gave us a couple of scones to take home with us, how nice was that.
Greenway walk sign

We then walked on up to the church and went inside where a lunch club was being held. One of the helpers came and chatted to us and said they run it once a month and there was plenty of desserts left and did we want some with a drink but unfortunately we had to say no as we were stuffed with  the lunch we had just had in the café, but it shows how friendly they are in this village.
Greenway path

We then walked back down the other road to the Convenience Store where they sell local strawberries and really nice bread, etc. and then back to the boat.

Hello, is anyone home?
We chilled out for a bit then decided to go for another walk onto the old Railway line which is called the Stafford to Newport Greenway and do some caching.  We went under the bridge where there are some more moorings and these were in lovely sunshine so we went back and got the boat and moored up here.  I don’t know the things we do for our solar panels!

We then walked up to the next bridge and got on the railway line, it is a nice walk with a good path.  We did a couple of caches then got back onto the road and back to the boat.  When we got back, two ducks came to the boat to be fed and the female kept looking in the window!

We are now staying here for a couple of days as tomorrow we are off on the bus to Telford and Newport and Saturday there is a carnival being held in the village here so we thought we would stay for that then chug off after.

Moored at Gnosall in the Sun!

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