Saturday 3 June 2017

Kinver to Gothersley Round House (Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal)

In Kinver Lock
We are on the move today and the sun was shining as we set off along the canal and soon came to Kinver Lock.  It was ready for us so it didn’t take long and soon we were chugging on again.

Going through Dunsley Tunnel
We stopped at the services to fill up with water, get rid of rubbish, etc., and then we were off again. 

In Stewpony Lock
Weir by the lock
We then came to Dunsley Tunnel which is only 25yds and then next was Stewpony lock.  Once through there we passed the Stourbridge canal and then the next bit of canal is very winky wonky.

We chugged on in the sunshine and moored at the site of the Gothersley Round House, which was built in 1805 as part of the ironworks, and lived in until the 1930s.  it is a lovely quiet sunny spot.

Ashwood Nurseries
We had lunch then went for a walk up to the bridge and down a path and out onto the road.  We went to do a cache but unfortunately couldn’t find it, so then we walked on along the road and came to Ashwood Nurseries so thought we would go in and have a look.  It was a really nice place but absolutely heaving with people there was hundreds there, the busiest garden centre we have been to!
Our Barbie

There was a really nice coffee shop so we had a coffee and a scone sat in the sunshine then walked back to the canal and back to the boat.

It was a lovely sunny evening so we had a BBQ and sat outside.  It was lovely and our first for this year so let’s hope we have many more.

We are staying here tonight then off again tomorrow.

Moored at the Gothersley Round House

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