Sunday 25 June 2017

Bottom of Adderley Locks to Audlem, between locks 2 and 3 (Shropshire Union Canal)

Saturday 24th June

Yesterday (Friday) we stayed at Adderley.  The weather wasn’t so good, dry but really windy.
Lovely night sky at Adderley
Upside down Geese!
We went for a walk in the morning down to the top of the Audlem flight where there is a stall by the top lock selling home-made cake.  I bought a slice of Bakewell slice and then we walked back to the boat.  We had lunch, then walked up to the farm at the top of the locks. The lady wasn’t around so we waited for a bit and then she came back.  We bought some more lamb, some marmalade, locally made scones, sausages and chicken.  We had a nice chat with the lady and then we went back to the boat.
Leaving our lovely mooring

This morning, we are moving on a bit, only about a mile to the top of the Audlem flight.
We set off from our mooring on a cloudy but dry day and chugged on along the canal and soon came to Audlem top lock. There are fifteen  locks in this flight but today we are only doing two.

Going into Audlem top lock
Stall by the top lock
There was a boat coming out the lock so in we went.  There was a family by the lock so the dad and the little girl shut the gate for us, saves me doing it!  There is a little stall by this lock selling home-made cake, cream teas in a bag and ice-creams.

Out we come
In Lock No. 2
Through there and onto the next one which was also ready for us as there was a boat coming up.  We got through there and moored in the visitor moorings between locks 2 and 3.

Lovely little Harry
We then had brunch, bacon and sausages from Adderley Wharf Farm and delicious they were too.
Harry and his Dad, Malc
Our friends Jane and Malcolm live in Audlem, so we walked down the locks and went to their house.  They have a dog called Harry and when we met him last year, he was just a small puppy.  He is now a year old and he has really grown.  He gave us a lovely greeting and so did Jane and Malc.   Harry is such a cute dog, we love him already.  Jane has just had a hip operation so is not very mobile at the moment, but Malc was a great host!

Our other friends Anthea and Dave live near Audlem and they came over to see us.  It was so lovely to see them all again and we had a lovely afternoon and evening catching up.  We got a Chinese takeaway which was really good.  They get it from a place in Market Drayton which is good to know as next time we are there and we fancy a Chinese, we know where to go. 

We are staying around Audlem for the week but moving slowly down the fifteen locks and so will be spending time with our Audlem family which we always enjoy as we all get on so well and always have lots of laughs and fun.

Moored at Audlem between Locks 2 and 3

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