Monday 26 June 2017

Audlem (Locks 2 and 3) to Audlem (Locks 11 and 12) (Shropshire Union Canal)

Lovely Night Sky
And in we go
Yesterday (Sunday) we stayed put and had a lazy day chilling out and went for a walk down to the village, then watched the Grand Prix.

One out, One In
We set off fairly early so as to beat the rush going down the locks.  Lock 3 was just along from us and there was a boat in front so we had to wait for them to go through, then it was our turn and we worked our way down the locks. 

Out We Come
There was quite a few boats coming up so passage was fairly quick.  We met our friend Al who moors on the Gloucester & Sharpness canal coming up the locks, it was nice to see him.
A few more to go

We went down a few more and moored between locks 11 and 12.
Passing Al

We then had our breakfast, bacon from Buttercross Farm shop in Market Drayton and eggs from Bridge Farm at Wheaton Aston and jolly good they were too.

In Lock 11
We went for a walk down to the church as there was a cache there, well we had to go to the church first to get some clues from the war memorial to give us the coordinates to find the cache and once we had them, we set off down the road and then down a lane onto a footpath and we soon found the cache.  We followed the footpath back to the village.

We also popped round to see our friend Jane who is recovering from a hip operation and had a chat and a cup of tea with her which was nice.

We are staying in these moorings now for a couple of days, then moving down the locks a bit further.  Tomorrow we are off to Hankelow the next village to the Golf Club to bash some balls down the driving range so looking forward to that.
Moored between locks 11 and 12 at Audlem

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