Saturday 3 June 2017

Day At Kinver (Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal)

Friday 2nd June

Kinver Rock Houses
Having lunch in the Drizzle
When we got up this morning it was raining, so we waited for the rain to ease off and then we set out for our walk.  We walked down to the Holy Austin Rock Houses which are houses built into the side of the rocks and were lived in until 1935.  We didn’t go in them today as we did them when we were here last October, but there are some great walks up onto Kinver Edge so we followed the path up the hill and onto the Iron Age Fort where at the top is a Toposcope and wonderful views of five counties.  We stopped there for our picnic lunch, the spitty rain was on and off for most of the afternoon, but it was okay.
Nanny's Rock

After our lunch, we followed the path all the along the top then went downhill and up again and then came to Nanny’s Rock. 

This is another rock house and was named after a reclusive inhabitant who made herbal potions, this five roomed cavern was first lived in by ‘Meg-o-Fox Hole’, who died in 1617.

Inside Nanny's Rock
Kinver Church
We walked on along the path and after a while we started coming back down and eventually came out onto the road.  The Kinver Edge Farm Shop was just down the road so we walked down there and had a coffee and then picked our own rhubarb like we did when we were here last October.
Lovely window in the church

We then walked back up the road and then came to Kinver Church.  Apparently the church is usually locked, but there was some bell ringers there who were doing a peel for one of the chaps whose birthday it was, it would take them three hours!  So they let us have a look inside, it is really nice.  

We then walked down the steep hill, glad we were going down and not up and back to the boat.

When we got back it rained quite hard so we were very lucky.  We are staying here tonight then off tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks a lovely walk. Did you follow it on an OS map or just looked for signposts?
