Monday 18 May 2015

Tardebigge to Hopwood (Worcs & Birmingham Canal)

In Tardebigge Top Lock
Commemorative Plaque

It was pouring with rain when we got up this morning, so we decided to stay put and hopefully if the forecast was right, it would have gone over by midday.  It did brighten up after we had our lunch and the sun came out, so we decided to chug on.  Just up from where we were moored was Tardebigge Top Lock, so up through there we went.  At the top of the lock a little way along on the non towpath side there is a plaque commemorating the founding of the Inland Waterways Association (IWA) in 1946 by L.T.C. Rolt and Robert Aickman aboard the nb Cressy, which moored there. 

In Tardebigge Tunnel
We stopped at the services to fill up with water, get rid of the rubbish, etc, then on we went into Tardebigge Tunnel, 580 yds long.  The tunnel does not have a towpath and until the turn of the century a company tug used to pull all boats through.

Passing a Heron
Soon we were out of the tunnel and it was spitting with rain, we stopped just up from there to get diesel and as we were just coming into moor, the heavens opened and it poured down, I stayed in the boat, but poor Kev was on the towpath and got wet, it only lasted a few minutes but it was very heavy, if only we had been in the tunnel a few minutes more!  We filled up with diesel and soon were on our way again and the sun came out.  

In Shortwood Tunnel
Almost out of Shortwood Tunnel
On up the canal and soon we were in Shortwood Tunnel, 613 yds long.  We were soon through there and on up the canal past Alvechurch, under the M42 bridge and soon we were at Hopwood where we moored.  It is a nice spot here and there is a nice pub nearby!
We are going to stay here tomorrow as well as the forecast is not too good, don’t want to risk getting wet again!

Moored at Hopwood

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