Thursday 21 May 2015

Dickens Heath to The Blue Bell Cider House, Waring's Green (Stratford Canal)

Past Waterside Apartments
We are being followed!

It was sunny when we got up this morning and it was actually warm at last as it has been chilly for days.  We chugged off down the canal, past some nice waterside apartments and past two moored boats and one of them came out behind us, this is the first time we have had a boat behind us since we started our trip, what a novelty!   On past the Earlswood Motor Yacht Club where there are a lot of moored boats and on around the corner under Bridge 18 and moored up opposite Warings Green Wharf where there is a long line of long term moored boats.  This is a really sunny spot.  Just along the towpath by Bridge 19 is The Blue Bell Cider House.  We only chugged 2 miles today, that’s more like it, getting back into our rhythm!

Wedge's Bakery
The Cake Counter
Wedge's Bakery & Friendly Staff
At Bridge 20 there is a brilliant bakery called Wedge’s Bakery, well it was the last time we were here, so we walked along the towpath for a bit, then went off the two path and walked up the lane as the towpath was a bit muddy and soon we were at the Bakery.  It is about ½ mile from the Bell Blue Cider House.  It was all we remembered, they make fresh cakes, bread etc. every day and also sell fruit, veg, sausages, bacon, local milk, quiches, scotch eggs, pies, etc.

Fruit & Veg Stand
It is a brilliant place and therefore we bought quite a few things.  The staff are really friendly and extremely busy with a steady stream of customers and considering it seems to be in the middle of nowhere with just a few houses nearby its amazing.

They also now have a café so we had a coffee and a bacon sandwich with local bacon and fresh granary bread made this morning, really yummy.

Suitably refreshed and our purses considerably lighter, we walked back to the boat, dropped off our shopping then walked up to the pub.

The Blue Bell Cider House
It is a traditional pub real cider, there is quite a choice and serving pub food but dockers portions!
We had some cider and sat in the sunny garden by the canal. 

Where the moored boats are, they sell diesel and gas, so we stopped by to find out the price of the gas as we need to get some.  It was £26,75 for 13kg and you can use the Elsan for £1, so when we go by tomorrow or the next day depending when we move, we will stop and get gas.

We walked back to the boat and I had the enormous chocolate éclair that I bought at the bakers with a cup of tea, it was delicious, but will need to do extra walking tomorrow as I dread to think how many calories it was!

We may chug on tomorrow or stay put, will decide in the morning.

Moored at The Blue Bell Cider House, Warings Green

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