Wednesday 30 June 2021

Wheaton Aston to Brewood - Shropshire Union Canal

Tuesday 29th June

We are on the move today just a short hop to Brewood.  We found out after the event that on Saturday Wayne Rooney and his wife Coleen were on a narrow boat holiday and moored in Wheaton Aston overnight.  They also went to the pub that we had been to and we think they were probably moored up a couple of boats in front of us and I expect they walked by our boat to go to and from the pub but did we see them, did we heck!  We didn't take notice of people walking by, I think we need to be more observant in future!

 It was a dry morning when we set off, we had to fill up with water so we stopped at the services to do that and dispose of our rubbish.

We have one lock to do today and just as we were ready to leave, a boat came down the lock so that was good as they could leave the gates open for us.

I walked up to the lock and Kev came in with the boat. Kev got out at the steps and pulled the boat in so he could shut one gate and I shut the other, this saves me having to go back and forth across the lock.

I opened the paddles and filled up the lock.  There was a couple sat on the bench by the lock with a little boy and the chap kindly offered to shut the gate behind us so I could get on.  We waved thank you and went on our way.

We went on along the canal and under a few bridges.  There are lots of trees along here and again the bird song was lovely, all singing happily.

We then came to Stretton Wharf where there was lots of moored boats, we went past there and over Stretton Aqueduct which was very overgrown, in fact none of the towpath has been cut for a while by the looks of it, there is long grass everywhere, someone needs to get the mower out I think!


We chugged on, under another bridge and passed the caravan park on the outskirts of Brewood.  There are lots of long term moored boats here, so we went past them and past Countrywide Cruisers and on along the canal.

We went under a bridge and moored up just beyond the bridge.


We walked up into the village where there is a Coop, Spar, Butchers and Bakery.  We got a few things then took them back to the boat. 

We then went up to The Bridge Inn which is overlooking the canal and had lunch there.  It was really nice and they were very friendly. We then just chilled out for the rest of the day.

We are staying here for a couple of days then will move on a bit further.

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