Thursday 17 June 2021

Bridge 50 to Norbury Junction - Shropshire Union Canal

 Tuesday 15th June

We had a lovely few days mooring in the middle of nowhere, we did some jobs, sat in the sun and had a BBQ.

Today we are moving on to Norbury Junction, it’s about 6 miles, there are no locks and the sun is shining and it’s already very warm so a nice day for a cruise.

We set off along the canal, under a few bridges and on along the canal.  We met a few boats coming the other way.

We then came to Shebdon Embankment and past the old Cadbury Factory which now produces dried milk products such as Birds custard, Marvel dried milk and Angel Delight.  We went on and then went past Bethsaida covers who has a mooring along here, Tony made our covers and a great job he did, we are so pleased with them.

  There are lots of long term moored boats on this stretch so it is slow going but on a beautiful day like today you don’t mind.

We carried on along the canal, past The Anchor pub which unfortunately is now closed but hopefully it will be back open in the future.

  We then came to Grub Street cutting, another of the deep wooded cuttings along this stretch, mind you the shade from all the trees in the cutting was lovely today as the sun is very hot already.

There is an unusual bridge in this cutting which is known as High bridge, it has a masonry strut carrying a short telegraph pole built across its tall arch.  We went under this bridge and on through the cutting.

We went on a bit further and then was approaching Norbury Junction.  There are some moorings just before you go under the bridge and there was room so we moored up there.

There is a nice pub and cafe here so we walked down to the cafe and sat by the canal and had coffee and a panini.  We then went for a walk along the towpath then back to the boat.

 We are staying here for a few days now.  Tomorrow we are having lunch in the pub and then on Friday we will head on to Gnosall.

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