Friday 4 September 2020

Norbury Junction to Shebdon (Shropshire Union Canal)

Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September

The Old Newport Branch
Yesterday (Thursday) we stayed put and just did a few jobs and went for a walk. Norbury Junction is a nice place with a boat yard, pub and cafĂ©.  The Newport branch used to join the canal here and a long flight of locks took the canal down to Newport.  It is now used for moorings and the top lock is now a dry dock. 

Norbury Junction
Moored at the Waterpoint
Today, we are on the move and we were glad to see it was a dry bright morning.  We untied and moved up to the services to get water, get rid of rubbish and use the Elsan.

When all that was done, we set off along the canal passing the Wharf where the cafe is and passing The Junction Inn.
Leaving Norbury

High bridge
We soon came to Grub Street cutting and passed under High Bridge which is an unusual double-arched bridge containing a small telegraph pole.

Branch in the Canal
We went past High Offley and The Anchor pub which we have been told is closed, it’s such a shame as it is a proper old fashioned pub and been in the same family for years.  A Heron was on the towpath and every time we got close, he flew in front of us for a while before flying off over the trees.
Heron Flying Off

We chugged on and then came to Shebdon Embankment.  There are a lot of moored boats along here so we went past all of them and moored up on the visitor moorings opposite the Wharf.

Getting Ever Closer to Audlem
Moored here at the Wharf is Bethsaida Covers.  Tony made our current covers more than 10 years ago and we want to have new ones this year.  Tony came to see us yesterday at Norbury to discuss our new covers and we are going over to see him this morning so he can show us the different fabrics he uses.
Heron on Towpath

The Anchor
We walked down onto the road, under the aqueduct and up the road to the Wharf.  Tony was busy in his workshop but stopped to show us the different fabrics.  We chose one and also said we wanted black covers this time.  He is very busy at the moment so it will be the end of the year when we get our new covers but it was good to sort it all out and something to look forward to .
Another Heron Flying Off

Nice Views From Here
In the afternoon, we went for a walk along the towpath and did a cache, we haven’t done any for a while so it was nice to do again.  There was another Heron on the towpath and he stayed there until we were nearly on him before he flew off.

We are staying here tonight then moving on a few miles to Goldstone tomorrow so let’s hope the sun is shining.

Bethsaida Covers

Moored at Shebdon

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