Thursday 24 September 2020

Bridge 80 to Coole Pilate Leisure Area - Shropshire Union Canal


Thursday 24th September

We are moving up to Coole Pilate Leisure area this morning, it’s less than a mile but a really nice spot to moor.

We were glad to see the sun was shining as we set off along the canal although it felt quite autumnal today.

We chugged on along the canal and went through the narrow gap that used to be bridge 81.


Bridges 82 and 83 are quite close together and quite narrow in between them.  A boat was coming through so we waited for him and then we went on.

We then came to Coole Pilate Leisure moorings and got a nice spot in the sunshine where the towpath is wide and there are picnic tables.

Sheila and Tony, our friends in Audlem told us about a farm up on Coole Lane which sells rare breeds pork so we went to see if we could find it.

We walked back to Bridge 83 and up the track and onto the road.  First of all we went right and couldn’t find anything so I asked a lady in one of the barns at a farm and she said we needed to go the other way.  We walked down the road and a short walk later, we found it.  The lady was really friendly and told us about the rare breed pigs they rear.  We bought sausages, bacon and burgers.

On the way back to the boat there was another farm selling free range eggs so we bought some of them as well.

This afternoon Kev did some cutting out of his products, I did some work for the firm I work for and Harry went to sleep in the chair!

We are staying here today and tomorrow then on Saturday we are moving on to Nantwich for the weekend.


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