Sunday 27 September 2020

Coole Pilate Leisure Area to Nantwich - Shropshire Union Canal


Friday 25th to Sunday 27th September

Friday and Saturday we stayed put and Friday afternoon we went for a walk down to the marina.  It’s a nice walk and we had a coffee and scone in the cafe.  Harry was pleased to see his Aunty Lauren was working in the cafe, she always makes a fuss of him, it was nice to see her.  Saturday we did a few jobs then went for walk as it was a glorious sunny afternoon, quite chilly but lovely. Late afternoon, I looked out the window and a sparrow hawk was on a pigeon and another pigeon luckily for him got away.  He stood on it for a bit then dragged the pigeon into the hedge as it was too big for him to lift and when we looked later, the pigeon had been eaten.  It was great to see a Sparrow Hawk so close but not so good for the pigeon!

Today (Sunday) we are moving on to Nantwich which is about 4 miles away and two locks at Hack Green. 

It was another glorious sunny morning as we set off along the canal.  It was quite busy today and there was two boats in front of us.  There are lots of geese on this stretch in the water and the fields.

    We went under a couple of bridges and then were approaching Hack Green locks.  We had to wait for the two boats in front of us to go down and a few boats were coming up.  I went to help out but as always when it came to our turn, although there were three boats behind us we started to do the lock on our own, then a lady came and helped.

We were soon through the first lock and on to the next one.  There was a Canal and River Trust chap at the lock as the bottom gate was leaking badly and therefore made the top gate hard to open.

I had to fill the lock as no-one was coming up and we managed to open the gate without too much trouble. A boat came along as we were going down so we left the gates open for them.


We chugged on along the canal under a few bridges and then came to Nantwich.  We went over the Aqueduct and moored up in the visitor moorings before the next bridge.


As it was a lovely sunny day and quite a few people around, we set up shop.  Kev took Harry out and I stayed behind to be sales assistant and I did sell a few things.

The Pizza Boat is moored behind us so guess what we are having for tea!


We are staying here for a few days now.  Harry is going back home tomorrow and Jane and Malcolm are coming to fetch him and then we are all going to Calveley Mill Shop and Café so looking forward to that and I am sure Harry is looking forward to seeing them as are we.  Then we will turn around and make our way back the way we have come.

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